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篇名 應用野草算法調整陣列天線之最佳位置
卷期 2
並列篇名 Application of Invasive Weed Algorithm to Adjustment of Optimum Position for Antenna Arrays
作者 余相寬李坤洲
頁次 147-156
關鍵字 陣列天線野草算法最佳化antenna arrayinvasive weed algorithmsoptimization
出刊日期 201203




The rapid development of communication technology has improved the quality of human life. It is well known that the antenna array plays an important role in a wireless communication system. In this study, the Invasive Weeds Algorithm is applied to adjustment of optimum position for antenna arrays. Optimization is implemented by minimizing the side-lobe level under the constraint of desired main-beam width. Initially, fundamentals of antenna arrays and functions of radiation patterns are introduced. Next, detailed procedures for achieving the optimization are given. Simulation results show that optimization of radiation patterns based on Invasive Weed Algorithm is very efficient. It spends less time to achieve global convergence, and is thus suitable to treat linear and nonlinear problems in engineering. In addition, the proposed scheme can also be extended to treat optimization problems in many other fields of engineering.
