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篇名 VELPAR®之特性及推廣
卷期 5:1
作者 歐榮東
頁次 45-46
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198402




Velpar is a photosynthetic inhibitor. While the primary mode of entry is through the plant roots, there is a marked contact effect from application made during active plant growth. Optimal efficacy on most weed species is obtained when Velpar is applied after seedling emergence and during the early period of active plant growth. Contact effect is slower under cooler temperatures (3 to 4 weeks for contact kill at 7 to 10C). Rainfall is needd to move the active igredient into the root zone of weeds, If this does not occur the tougher weeds, particularly perennials, may recover from the contact effects and continue to grow. Low growing perennial weeds and woody vegetation are best controlled when Velpar is applied to the actively growing foliage at a time of reasonable rainfall to ensure root uptake as well. The primary mode of disppearance is decomposition by soil microbes, Velpar is not readily decomposed by sunlight on the soil surface. Degradation take place mainly after rainfall moves it into the soil. The half-life is 1 to 6 months depending on soil and climate.

