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篇名 萬帥(伏寄普)之簡介及推廣
卷期 5:1
作者 裴宏隆林正隆
頁次 49-51
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198402




Onecide is a postemergence, highly selective herbicide to control annual and perennial gramineous grasses in upland without any injury on species of other family. Onecide is absorbed by root. stem and leaf then transported systemically in short period to prohibit cell division of growing point and leaf primordia. Thus cell death occurs and expanding to the surrounding clls. Necrosis of parenchymatous tissues of nodes results in breakdown of the nodal tissues. With its strong systemic action. Onecide prohibits regrowth of runners and rhizomes of the perennical gramineous grasses. Onecide induces young leaves to become albino and wilt. When onecide is transported downward anthocyanin accumulates in leaf sheath and leaves which turned to red-violet and finally causes a necrosis of node. Onecide is very safe to human being. poultry and fish.

