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篇名 Variations in the Growth and Herbicides Susceptibility of Barnyard Grass in Taiwan
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 本省稗草生長及對殺草劑敏感性的變異
作者 蔣永正袁秋英呂理燊
頁次 33-43
關鍵字 plant typesbutachlorbenthiocarboxadiazonTSCI
出刊日期 198508




Variation of morphology, growth and herbicide susceptiblity of island-wide collected 231 lines of barnyard grass were inves-tigated. All sampling lines could be divided into five plant types based on the culm angle at 25 days after heading : Erect, the angle was less than 30' from the erpendicular; Intermediate and Open were about 45' and 60', respectively; Spreading was more than 60' but the culms did not rest on the ground;and Procumbent, the culm or its lower part rested on ground surface. Among them, erect and procumbent types distributed scarcely in Taiwan. Data on number of leaf and date of heading time in all sampling lines showed different significantly either the first crop season or the second one. And the variation of other characters were not consistent in two crop seasons. As to susceptibilities of herbicides; butachlor. benthiocarb and oxadiazon recommended extensively used to control barnyard grass killed all sampling lines at their seedling stage (5 to 10 days after seeding).
