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篇名 香附子之生長模式與塊莖之形成
卷期 7:1-2
作者 袁秋英呂理燊
頁次 7-18
關鍵字 tuberemergencelife cycleTSCI
出刊日期 198608


香附子春季發芽最快,種植後6至9日即萌芽,夏季種植者營養生長期最短,出芽後20至40日即開花和產生塊莖,冬季初期植株生長緩慢,但出芽150日後,溫度上升,植株數多達65,塊莖196個,繁殖潛力大。塊莖盛產期,地上部對地下部之乾重比率,於春、夏、冬三季分別為0.33,0.20及0.23,走莖長度、塊莖乾重、全株乾重及塊莖佔全株乾重之百分比,皆與月均溫及日長有正相關性。日夜溫以35/30 C時,發芽最早且整齊,可全部萌發;25/20C 發芽分散。塊莖在土表下之分布深達40公分,以上層10公分最多佔56%,最下層10公分之單粒塊莖最重,差異亦頗大,70~1680毫克,平均為480毫克。


Emergence of tubers in Cyperus rotundus L. is the fastest, 6-9 days after planting, in spring. Vegetable growth of shoots is the shortest in those of planted in summer, in which flwering and tuber formation occurring 20 and 40 days, respectively after planting. Growth is slow in the early days in those of planted in winter, but growth potential is tremendous as shown by 65 plant shoots and 196 tubers were counted 150 days after emergence as temper-ature increased. At the peak time of tuber formation, dry weight ratio of above and below of ground level is 0.33, 0.20 and 0.37, respectively, in spring, summer and winter planted crops. Length of rhizome, dry weight of tubers and whole plants, and proportion of tubers in total weight of the crops are all positively correlated with temperature and day length. Emergence of tubers is the most uniform and rapid for all tested tnbers under days night temper-ature was set at 35/30 C. If it was set at 25/20 C emergence took longer period. Distribution of tubers is most abundant in 0-10 cm layer, which consisted 56% but the depth could attain 40 cm and expected to be deeper. Tuber weight attains 480 mg in average, the heaviest ones, distributed in 30-40 cm depth layer.

