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篇名 臺灣玉米田草相及雜草防治
卷期 8:1-2
作者 蔣永正呂理燊
頁次 1-13
關鍵字 Echinochloa crus-galliEleusine indicaDigitaria sppAmaranthus viridisportulaca oleraceaEuphorbia hirtaAgcratum sppErigerou canadensistridiphaneatrazineEL107pendimethalinmetobromuroncyanazinenet assimilation rateNARreative growth rateRGRyieldyield componentTSCI
出刊日期 198708




The most important weeds in corn field of Taiwan are Echi-nochloa crus-galli, Eleusine indica, Digitaria spp. Amaranthus uiridis, Portulaca oleracea and Euphorbia hirsa. In eastern Taiwan, Ageratum spp. and Erigeron canadensis also occurred frequently. The experimental results of herbicides screning showed tridiphane + atrazine at 0.5L =+1 kg/ha provided very good control of weeds in dent corn field, and atrazine at alone was effective, too. As to EL 107+atrazine at 0.4 + 1 kg/ha was only effective to control weeds in sweet cron field. Grasses were the most sensitive to pendime-thalin, however, weeds of compositae could not be controlled by it. Although other tested herbicides had the similar weed control effect as tridiphane + atrazine, but with the shorther residual periods.
