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篇名 Photodegradation of the Herbicide Glyphosate
卷期 10:1-2
並列篇名 殺草劑嘉磷塞之光分解
作者 陳玉麟顏瑞泓王一雄
頁次 1-6
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198908


嘉磷塞[glyphoste, N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine]在薄膜狀態下及在水溶液中,以波長254nm之紫外燈在距離10公分處照射72小時,其主要光分解產物是AMPA[(aminomethyl)phosphonic acid]。其半衰期均約為8小時,但8小時以後,在水溶液中比在薄膜狀態下之分解更為快速。在水溶液中置於黑暗下72小時,有25.8%之嘉磷塞分解。在pH為7之中性環境中嘉磷塞顯得很安定,在72小時後,未分解之嘉磷塞達86.5%以上。溶液中之酸鹼度明顯的影響光分解作用,在pH為4之酸性狀態及pH為10之鹼性狀態下,經過72小時之紫外光照射,其未分解之嘉磷塞分別為44.8%及56.2%。


Glyphosate[N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine]was irradiated under the UV-light at 251 nm from a distance of 10 cm. in a thin film as a solid state and in the aqueous solution for 72 hr. the major photodegradation product was AMPA [(aminomethyl)phos-phonic acid]. The half life was about 8 hr, both in solid state and in aueous solution. After 8 hr. degradation rate was more rapid with an aqueous solution than that in the solid state. In the aqueous solution. 25.8% of glyphosate decomposed in dark for 72 hr. Glyphosate was relatively stable when it was kept neutral at pH 7. 86.5% of this herbicide remained unchanged at 72 hr. The effect of pH apparently gave a great influence for the photodegradation. At the acid state at pH 4. the unchanged glyphosate was 44.8%. and in the alkaline state at pH 10. it was 56.2% under UV-light for 72 hr.

