
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Pilot Study on Genetic Knowledge of Maternity and Pediatric Nurses
卷期 32:3
作者 Tsorng-Yeh LeeLiang-Wen SungShan-Shan HsuJen-Jiuan Liaw
頁次 109-119
關鍵字 geneticsknowledgeeducation programsclinical practiceMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201206



Background: Nurses play an important role in genetic issues, so they must become better informed about genetics. However, most studies done worldwide assessed nurses’ perceived knowledge rather than their actual knowledge levels. Thus, the specifi c areas of defi ciency or weakness in nurses’ genetic knowledge are not well known. In addition, factors related
to nurses’ genetic knowledge merit investigation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the knowledge level of human genetics among nurses and its correlation with characteristics of maternity and pediatric nurses. Methods: A cross-sectional structured questionnaire was completed by 54 nurses who worked at a medical center in Taipei, Taiwan.
The questionnaire contained 32 questions divided in fi ve subscales. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Results: The nurses’ correct answer rate in overall genetic knowledge was 66%. Most nurses had basic knowledge, such as genotype, cancer genetics, and genetic terms; however, few answered correctly on knowledge of Mendelian inheritance. Higher knowledge scores were signifi cantly associated with receiving continuing genetic education, obtaining genetic information from web-based peer-reviewed journals, having pediatric experience, and having experience in taking care of patients with genetic diseases. Conclusions: Nurses’ knowledge of genetics is insuffi cient to provide comprehensive services to their patients. Thus, nurses’ genetic knowledge should be enhanced by continuing genetic education programs, which should cover not only basic genetic knowledge, but also a deep understanding of Mendelian inheritance, enabling nurses to provide competent and individualized healthcare in their clinical practice.

