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篇名 三種稻田用殺草劑在稻田土壤及田間水中含量之調查
卷期 4:2
作者 李國欽李泰林
頁次 97-109
關鍵字 Pady fieldspaddy waterpesticide residuesurveybenthiocarbbutachlorchlomethoxynilTSCI
出刊日期 198308




Survery of pesticides used in the paddy field indicated that 16 different pesticides were commonly used by the farmers. Among these pesticides, the persistence of benthiocarb, butachlor and chlomethoxynil might be relatively longer than others. Analysis of 68 soil samples collected from the paddy field right after the rice was harvested (it was about 90-130 day after last application of these herbicides) revealed that in the surface soil (0-15cm), 44.1% contained benthiocarb, 7.4% contained butachlor and 17.6% contained chlomethoxynil with residual levels at 57.48 ppb. 4.71 ppb and 6.09 ppb. respectively, In the bottom soil (15-30cm),8.8% contained benthiocarb, 7.4% contained butachlor and 2.9% contained chlomethoxynil with average residual lebels at 11.28 ppb, 5.01 ppb and 0.91 ppb, respectively. Analysis of the water samples from paddy filed of different localities in Taiwan indicated that 88.2% contained benthiocarb, The average residual level was 19.03 ppb. The highest residual level was 51 ppb. No residues of butachlor and chlomethloxynil were detected. These results suggested that the pollution caused by the currently used pesticides in agriculture might not be a serious problem.
