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篇名 Emergence, Growth and Reproduction of Eleven Paddy Weeds in Two Seasons
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 十一種水田雜草在兩季中之萌芽、生長及繁殖
作者 蔣慕琰
頁次 1-18
關鍵字 paddy weedsEchinochloa crusgalli varformosensisMonochoria vaginalis varplantagineaCyperus difformisScirpus juncoidesSagittaria trifoliaTSCI
出刊日期 198302




Eleven paddy weeds,echinochlou erus-galli var. formosensis,Monochoria oaginalis var. plantaginea, Cyperus difformis, Scirpus juncoides, Sagittaria trifolia, Rotala indica, Ammannia baccifera, A. multiflora, Lindernia pyridaria, Vandellia anagallis and Ludwigia prostrata were tested of their seedling emergence, vegetative growth, flowering ,seed development and seed production in the first season (February June) and the second season (July-October) rice crops. Seedlings emerged earlier and more uniformly in the second season test than in the first one. Time to 50% seedling emergence of weeds teste ranged from 4-21 and 3-5 days after planting for the first and the second season trial, respectively. Data on number of leaf, plant height and plant weight demonstrated that vegetative growth of weeds in the first season test were consistently slower than those with the second season test. In general, for the same weed, it took 60 days in the first season trial to produce bio-mass comparable to that of 30 days in the second season one. It required less time for weeds to advance to the flowering stage in the second season trial, 27 to 45 days among species, than in the first season, 49 to 85 days among species. Intra-specific difference in initial flowering time between seasons ranged from 14 to 48 days. Seasonal variation in flowering time was proposed associated primarily with the temperature condition at the early stage of seasons. Weeds tested were found capable to develop germinative seeds at less than 7 dyas to more than 2 weeks after the appearance of anthesis. Large amount of seeds were produced by weeds suggested their tremendous otential of multiplication in a single generation.
