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篇名 ATRAZINE之特性及推廣
卷期 4:1
作者 楊行昌
頁次 80-83
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198302


在化學上Atrazine屬於Chloro-s-triazine一類之化合物。其外觀呈白色,僅稍微溶解於水,但較易溶解於有機溶劑。Atrazine之開發始於對aryl-urea具有殺草作用之認識及Geigy研究部門之已合成有以diamino-s-triazine取代Urea之合成物。經對Triazine環做了一系列之調查後,發現Atrazine,G 30027以及數種其他合成物具有殺草劑之實用價值。Giba-Geigy之三種標準劑型中在臺灣正式登記推廣的只有50%可濕性粉劑一種。雖然Atrazine以萌前至萌後初期處理使用於玉米、高粱、甘蔗、蘆荀、和鳳梨時對小葉灰藋、馬齒莧、臭杏、龍葵、滿天星、霍香薊等和禾本科雜草如野稗、牛筋草、狗尾草等具有極良好至良好的效果,但目前主要還是使用於甘蔗。臺灣糖業公司於民國48年第一次引進250公斤50%可濕性粉劑使用於甘蔗,其後年進口量漸增,至近年來之平均40至50噸原體,經加工為50%W.P.其間價格則降低40%左右。此外,近幾年之50%W.P.成品進口量亦在10噸左右,相信此量則使用於甘蔗以外之作物上。


Chemically,Atrazine belongs to chloro-s-triazine group. It is white in color and only slightly soluble in water but more soluble in organic solvents. The development of Atrazine was primarily started from the already known herbicidal action of aryl-urea and existing active substances obtained from a urea bridge being replaced by a diamin-s-triazine in Geigy Research, Triazine ring was then investigated systematically. As a consequence, Atrazine, G 30027, has been found among a few others to have herbicidal properties of commercial importance. Among the three standard Ciba-Geigy formulations only 50% WP formulation has been officially registered for use in Taiwan. Although Atrazine can be used as pre-emergent to early post-emergent treatment is corn, sorghum, sugar cane, asparagus and pineapples with excellent control of Chenopodium spp. Portulaca spp. Solanum nigrum, Alternanthera sessilis, Ageruum eony-Zoides, and good control of grasses like Echinochlor , Eleusine indica, Setaria spp. etc, so far it is still mainly used in sugar cane. Atrazine was first introduced for use in sugarcane by Taiwan Sugar Corporation in 1959, Since, the annual import quantity has increased to the recent years' average of 40 to 50 tons tech. material for formulation into 50% WP. In due time, the price has dropped approximately 40%. It is also noted that approx. imately 10 tons of 50% WP finished product has been imported annually in the recent years presumably for use in crops other than sugar cane.

