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篇名 臺灣雜糧之生產與展望
卷期 4:1
作者 涂 勳
頁次 19-29
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198302




Sweet potato,peanut,corn,soybean and sorghum are the major five upland food crops in Taiwan. In 1960 years, 430,000 hectares of planted area and 4,000,000 tons of production for these crops was reached the highest recrod. But recently, owing to big quantity of grains import from foreign countries, the total planted area and production of above-mentioned crops decreased to 154,000 hectares and 1,045,000 tons in 1981 respectively. The main reson of decreasing is as follows: (1)big quantity of grains import,(2) high production cost and low net income, (3) yield potential limitted by current cropping system, (4) unresonable guarantee purchase price, (5) low yield per hectare, (6) lbor shortage in rural area, (7) lack of available machinery for upland food crops, (8) qualified personel in crop research is not enough. Future goal for these upland crops will be emphaized on : (1)development of high quality sweet potatoes for human consumption and starch usage, (2)breeding a variety with high protein content and large kernel in peanut, (3) breeding a high yield corn for growing in paddy field, (4) breeding for high yield, better quality and disease resistance in soybean,(5)development of different varieties for different usages (alcohol and feeding ) in sorghum, (6) improvement of cultural techniques to increase yield in each crop (7)promote the quality of upland crops research personel.

