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篇名 Temperature and Soil Moisture Content Affect the Germination of Purple Nutsege (Cyperus rotundusL.)and Barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli(L.)Beauv.]
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 溫度及土壤水分含量對香附子(Cyperus rotundus L.)與稗草[Echinochloa crus-galli(L.) Beauv.]發芽之影響
作者 楊純明
頁次 1-7
關鍵字 Temperaturesoil water contentgerminationsproutingpurple nutsedgebarnyardgrassTSCI
出刊日期 199202




Experiments were conducted under controlled environment to determine the germination behaviors of purple nutsedge and barnyardgrass at defferent temperatures and soil moisture contents. Germination (sprouting) of tubers (basal bulbs) of purple nutsedge occurred form 20 to 35.C but was optimal at 25 to 30.C. Temperature effect on the germination was influenced by soil moisture gradient. Germination progressively declined below the soil moisture content of 60%. Percent germination was strongly reduced at temperatures under 20.C or above 35.C. especially below 60% moisture. Germination of barnyardgrass was also affeted by both temperature and moisture. No significant difference of germination was acknowleged at 20.C . moistures beyond 40% will in favor of germination. The appropriate ranges of temperature and moisture for barnyadgrass germination were from 25 to 30.C and above 60% , respectively. The highest percentage was observed at 25.C and 60% moisture. The results indicated that temperature and moisture are two important environmental factors affecting the germination of both weeds. This supports the fact that purple nutsedge and barnyardgrass can germinate thorughout the growing season in the field in a climate such as Taiwna. Both weed species germinate better in wet than in dry soils. whereas purple nutsedge tolerates high temperature better than barnyardgrass.
