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篇名 An Overview of Chemical Weed Control in Korea- An Industry Perspective
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 韓國化學雜草防治-工業面
作者 李啟洪
頁次 8-30
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199202


韓國可耕地佔全國總面積993萬公頃之21%,農業人口從1975年的1,320萬人降至1989年的680萬人,佔總人口數16%,平均每人耕作1.2公頃。在1989年之耕作總面積為243萬公頃,但有逐年降低之趨勢。主要作物為水稻、豆類、大麥、蔬菜、油料作物及果樹,在1989年之農藥有效成份銷耗量達23,280公噸,銷售金額達43,890萬美金,其中殺蟲劑最多38.2%,次為殺菌劑33.9%,殺草劑占53.6%,次為果園及非耕地占30.7%,旱地占15.7%。所需原體之68%在1989年統計結果是由18個國內廠商所生產,有75種原體由國內廠商登記製造(殺菌劑23種,殺蟲劑35種,殺草劑10種,植物生長調節劑7種)。農藥登記是根據Public Announcement System,原體資料的審查則由Sub-Committee of Agr. Chem. Management Committee協同農業化學研究所執行,區域之藥效及藥害試驗需三年,另外還要區域性殘留量及急毒資料,所有的試驗費由農藥工業協會組成及管理之農業化學物質發展基金提供。2,4-D在1957年最先登記為水田之殺草劑,草殺淨為1967年最先登記之旱田殺草劑,巴拉刈則為1970年最先登記之非選擇性殺草劑,近年來許多混合劑亦登記在水田及旱田上使用。在1990年共有90種殺草劑使用,其中水田占41種,旱田36種,果園10種,森林2種,非耕地1種。11家製造廠商經由私人及國家農業共同協會管道供應農藥給農民,而對推薦農藥給農民有影響的機構為農業發展委員會、國家畜牧共同發展協會、國家農地改進協會和國家林業發展協會等。Han-Nong Corp.為韓國最大之農藥製造及販賣廠商,佔全國32%,次為COI(18%)及Kyung Nong Crop (15%),Hanjung Chem. Co.為最大之原體製造廠,占全國總量27%,次為Donhyang-Elanco(13%)及Korea Steel Chem. (10%)。殺草劑使用量從1970年代早期始顯著增加,1989年記錄為4,882公噸有效成份。水田殺草劑用量自1980年代早期即穩定成長,主要為丁基拉草和普拉草防治一年生草,丁基拉草混合免速隆、Chlomethoxyfen和Pyrazolate則防治多年生草,本達隆和2,4-D混合則為萌後處理,估計所有施用面積為水田面積之131%。主要之旱田殺草劑為拉草、斯得圃和丁基拉草估計有86%之主要旱田作物施用。巴拉刈和嘉磷塞為非選擇性殺草劑,施用面積在1980年代後期顯著增加。對未來殺草劑的發展有:(一)水田-發展配合機插之殺草劑及建立移植田和直播田之雜草防治系統,並施用粒劑型配合機械化;(二)旱田-建立小面積作物之雜草防治系統及發展長效且廣效性殺草劑;(三)果園-建立雜草防治制度以提供作物較佳生長環境;(四)研究-著重於殺草劑在環境中之曝散,對草相變遷之影響,及查雜草防治現況;(五)訓練-對農民灌輸農藥安全使用法則及提昇一般大眾對農藥安全使用的正確了解。


From an industry perspective and overview of chemicl weed control in Korea has been discussed with review on overall agriculture and pesticide industry. Follows are summary of discussions ;1.Arable land in Korea is 21% of total land which is 9,930 K Ha. Farm population has decreased from 13.2 M in 1975 to 6.8 M in 1989 which represents 16% of total population and average farm acreage is 1.20 Ha. 2.Total cropping acreage in 1989 was 2,430 K Ha with declining trend and major crops are rice. Beans. Barley. Vegetables. oil crops and orchards 3.Total pesticide market in 1989 was 23,280 M/T ai or US$438.9M at distributor level. Insecticides were the leader with 38.2% followed by fungicide (33.9%) and herbicides (24.8%). 4.Herbicide market has shown steady growth over the past years reaching US $108.7M in 1989. Rice herbicides represented 53.6% followed by orchards/non-cropherbicides (30.7%) and upland herbicides (15.7%). 5.68% of total technical requirement were produced by 18 local manufacturers in 1989. 75 technical materials are registered for local manufactureing. (Fungicide-23,Insecticide-35, Herbicide-10, PGR-7). 6.Pesticide registration is based on "Public Announcement System" Technical reviews are conducted by Sub-Committees of Agr. Chem. Management Com-mittee in cooperation with Agr. Chem. Research Institute. Local trials are required for 3 years on efficacy and crop safety. local data on residues and acute toxicity are also required. All the expenses required for officaial trirals are provided by the agrochemical Development Fund which is formed and managed by Ag. Chem. Ind. Ass'n 7.24-D was the first herbicide registere for rice in 1957. Simazine was the first upland herbicide registered in 1970. In recent years. Many combination products have been registered in rice and upland crops. The total number of herbicide formulations are 90 in 1990 with 41 in reice, 36 in upland, 10 in orchareds, 2 in forestry and 1 in non-cropping area. 8. 11 formulators/distributors supply persticides to farmers through private and Nat'l Agr. Co-op channels. Normal distribution margin is 20% Key influential groups for pesticide recommendation to famers are Rural Development Admin. Nat'l Farmland Improvemenet Ass'n and Nat's Federation of Forestry Ass'n 9. Han-Nong Corp. is the largest formulator/distributor with 32% of share in total pesticide followed by OCI(18%) and Kyung Nong Corp. (15%). 10. Hanjung Chem. Co. is the largest technical manufacturer with 27% of share followed by Dongyang-Elanco(13%) and Korea Steel Chem. (10%). 11. Consumption of herbicides has significantly increased since early 1970's and recorded 4,882 M/T, ai in 1989. 12. The total consumption of rice herbicides in volume of ai has been stabilized in 1980's Major rice herbicides are butachlor and pretilachlor for annual weeds. butachlor combinations with bensulfuron. chlomethoxyfen and pyrazolate for perennials, and bentazone and 2.4-D for post-emergence treatment. It is estimate that the total treated acreage is 131% of rice acreage. 12. Major upland herbicides are alachlor. Pendimethalin and butachlor. It is estimated that 86% of major upland crops are treated with herbicide. 14. Major non-selective herbicide has been significantly increased in late 1980's 15. Recommendations for future development. -Rice .Continue development of superior herbicides for machine transplanting. .Establish weed control system for transplanting of sprouted seedlings or direct seeding. .Mechanization for application of granular herbicides.
- Upland .Establish weed control system for minor crops. .Dvelop herbicides that can provide season-long control of weed with broad spectrum.
-Orchards and Others
.Establish weed control system for better living environment.
-Conduct fundamental research on .Exposure of herbicides to environment. .Ecological changes in weed flora. . Periodical surveys to monitor the status of weed control.
-Training of farmers for safe use of pesticides. -Promotion for proper understanding on the safe use of pesticides to general public.

