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篇名 客家「串調」箏曲之研究
卷期 175
並列篇名 A Study of Hakka Zheng Music Chuandiao
作者 張儷瓊
頁次 043-088
關鍵字 客家箏樂漢樂串調Hakka zheng musichanyuechuandiaoTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201203




This article focuses on chuandiao, a kind of guzheng (plucked string zither) music of the Hakka people, and investigates its origin and content. Using the Han Gao Ancient Notation by Ho Yuzhai as my primary
data for analysis, I argue that chuandiao originated from various sources,
including ditties from Ming and Qing dynasties, folk songs from eastern
Guangdong province, and some Buddhist tunes, thus reflecting the southward
migration history of central plains’ music. These instrumental pieces of various length and format first circulated in the hanyue music system popular in the eastern Guangdong province and were later absorbed into hanju operatic music to function as intermezzo, referred to as chuandiao.
Zheng performers rearranged chuandiao into zheng solo pieces and utilize a combination of techniques in order to demonstrate their different styles and nuances. With zheng as a new vehicle, chuandiao was invigorated, its substance further refined, and more ways of performance have been developed.
