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篇名 中國鬥蟋蟀博戲中的芡草與芡法
卷期 175
並列篇名 Cricket Ticklers and Tickling Methods in Chinese Cricket Fighting Games
作者 陳天嘉hen Tianjia)任定成
頁次 089-106
關鍵字 鬥蟋蟀芡草芡法動物行為學中國博戲cricket fightingcricket ticklerstickling methodsethologyChinese gamesTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201203




Chinese use a special tool called qiancao (cricket tickler) to stimulate crickets’ fighting behavior and to increase or restore their aggressiveness in cricket fighting games. The meaning of qiancao has broadened with its raw material changing from Artemisia to rat whiskers and
Gramineae. By analyzing tickling methods under ethological framework, we have found that ancient Chinese increased crickets’ aggressiveness by tickling their jumping legs to induce leg spring, which conforms to the principle of displacement activity in ethology. The ticklers are used in the following four stages, regular training, pre-fight stirring, guiding and after fight stirring. Ancient Chinese realized the limitation of both a cricket’s aggressiveness and the effectiveness of a cricket tickler.
