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篇名 尖辦花的(Sphenoclea zeylanica)對水田常用除草劑之反應
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 Response of Gooseweed (Sphenoclea zeylanica) to Herbicides U sed in Rice Field
作者 蔣永正蔣慕琰
頁次 083-092
關鍵字 尖辦花萌芽溫度丁基拉草丁拉兔速隆百速隆依速隆Gooseweedseed emergencetemperaturebutachlorbutachlor + bensulfuron-methylpyrazosulfuron-ethylimazosulfuronTSCI
出刊日期 200212


尖辦花為臺灣7](. 田的主要雜草,高溫下植株生長極為快速,影響水稻生育及干擾田間管理。本研究探討尖辦花在高、低溫下(模擬一、二期作插秩初期氣溫)之萌芽型式,及水田常用除草劑對0-4 葉齡植株(播種後0-15 日)之防治技果。尖瓣花種子在27-34 0C 高溫下萌芽快速且集中,播種後兩星期內即達高峰(累積萌芽率52%) , 15-22 0C 低溫下的萌芽率在5% 以下。以田區培育之尖瓣花種源土測試,其高、低溫下之萌芽型式,與上述直接播種的趨勢相近。田面尖瓣花的草量分布調查;一期作約占田區總草量5%左右,二期作為25% '萌芽高峰期在插秩後35 日左右。常用水田除草劑對尖瓣花防治效果功于播種後。可12 日內施用5% 丁基拉草粒劑30 Kg / ha' 施藥後15 日達95%左右之防治率,且持續至施藥後30 日,仍保持幾近完全抑制的藥效。播種後15 日施用丁基拉草之防治率則有降低趨勢,但仍顯示90% 之防治率。施用2.583% 丁拉兔速隆粒劑30 Kg / ha 對尖瓣花的抑制效果,則與丁基拉草極為相似,但對播種後15 日之較大型植株,其防治效果較佳。10% 百速隆可濕性粉劑。.5 Kg / ha' 及10%依速隆水懸齊IJ 1 L / ha' 在播種後0-6 日的施用效果;於施藥後的日調查達70%左右之防治率,且隨施藥日數的延後,對較大型植株的抑制效果有逐漸提昇之趨勢,達到90% 以上之防治率,施藥後30 日升高至95-100% 的防治效果;但對4 葉齡植株則為生長抑制作用。丁基拉草及丁拉兔速隆對尖瓣花之殘效調查;施藥後7 日,仍有90% 以上的殘效控制作用, 14 日後降至85%左右, 21 日後低於80% 以下。丁拉免速隆在施藥後14 日,維持90 %的防治率, 21 日後則略為降低。百速隆及依速隆在施藥後7 日的抑制率約為90% ' 14 及21 日降至85%左右。綜合藥劑試驗結果:丁基拉草防治2-3 葉齡以下之尖瓣花有效而快速,且殘效持續約一個月;參試之硫瞌尿素類除草劑防治1-2 葉齡以下之植株需較久時間顯現藥效,但對乞3葉齡以上者效果快速,至於殘效的表現主要是抑制植株的生長。


Sphenoclea zeylanica is the main paddy weed in Taiwan. This weed appeared more in the second rice season. In this study, Sphenoclea zeylanica was tested for the responses of emergence at different altemating temperatures. Maximum emergence of Sphenoclea zeylanica occurred at 27-340C. Time to the greatest emergence percentage of Sphenoclea zeylanica was investigated at 3S days after irrigation in the second crop. It failed to germination at lS-220C. Herbicides used commonly in paddy field, butachl肘butachlor + bensulfuron-methyl, pyrazosulfuro心ethyl , imazosulfuron, were tested to evaluate the efficacy on Sphenoclea zey!anica. Pot tests showed that butachlor provided over 95% control at 0 t03 leaf stage of Sphenoclea zeylanica at recommended rate. Less control with this herbicide was obtained to apply at 3 to 4 leaf stage of plants. Better control was achieved when butachlor + bensulfuron-methyl, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl and imazosulfuron were app1ied to Sphenoclea zeylanica beyond the 2 leaf stage. It needed more time to show effectively control to apply tested sulfonylureas at 0 to 2 leaf stage.
