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篇名 Developing Integrated Pest Management Systems to Improve Grasslands
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 草地有害生物綜合防治系統發展
作者 R.A. MastersM.S. LeeJ.N. ShiehJ.L. TrothD.D. LoughnerM. TolleyJ.M. Breuninger
頁次 093-111
關鍵字 Natural grasslandsartificial grasslandsarnenity grasslandsturfgrassespesticidesre-vegetationinvasive pestsrestorationrenovationdesired plant cornmunityTSCI
出刊日期 200212




Pests reduce the quality of natural, artificial, and arnenity grasslands by altering ecological processes and displacing desirable species. They reduce wildlife habitat, watershed, recreational, aesthetic, and econornic value of grasslands. The presence and spread of a pest is often syrnptornatic of underlying rnanagernent problerns that rnust be corrected before irnprovernent can be achieved. Disturbance is irnportant ear1y in the invasion process because it can create vacant niches that pests can occupy. Control of pests rnay only open niches for establishrnent of other undesirable species unless desirable species are present to fill the vacated niches. In rnany instances, grasslands have deteriorated to the point that desirable species are either not present, or in such low abundance that plant comrnunity recovery is slow or will not occur wìthout planting desirable species. lntegrated pest managernent is the planned, sequential use of rnultiple tactics (e.g. chemical, biological, cultural, and rnechanical control rneasures) to improve grasslands and rnaintain pest darnage below econornic levels. Sustainable, integrated pest management strategies require assessing pest irnpacts, knowledge ofpest biology and ecology, and understanding control technologies.
