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篇名 不同溫度及萌前除草劑處理對牛筋草種子發芽及幼苗生長的影響
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 Effects of Different Temperatures and Pre-emergence Herbicides on the Germination and Seedling Growth of Goosegrass
作者 謝清祥張雲屏何琇銀
頁次 065-072
關鍵字 牛筋草溫度萌前除草劑種子goosegrasstemperaturepre-emergence herbicidesseedTSCI
出刊日期 200212


「牛筋草」無論是在各休憩綠地環境、運動球場包括高爾夫球、足球場,皆被視為本省最難防除的雜草之一。本試驗利用捲紙法於不同溫度下進行牛筋草種子發芽、幼苗生長試驗。第一次試驗結果以日/夜溫35/25 0C 處理的種子發芽率最高, 30125 0C 次之,其餘處理的發芽率皆為0% 。第二次試驗結果以30/25 0C 的種子發芽率最高, 35/25 0C 次之,二高溫處理問之幼苗地上部及地下部生長並無顯著差其存在。利用上述結果於30125 0C 下,施用萌前殺草劑處理結果:參試藥劑均可有效抑制牛筋草幼苗之生長,其中以施得圈乳劑(34% pendimethalin EC)400 及800 倍處理效果最好,可完全抑制牛筋草之種子發芽,甲基呻酸納溶液(MSMA 35.2%) 400 倍處理效果次之。


Goosegrass is one of the most troublesome weeds in recreational and sport turf in Taiwan. Seed germination and seedling growth of goosegrass were evaluateà under different regimes of temperature. In the first experiment, treatment of 35125 0C (D月~) had the higher germination percentage than that of 30/25 0C (DIN). In the second experiment, treatment of 30/25 0C on goosegrass had the higher germination percentage. However, the seeds of other treatments(30/20 OC , 25125 0C) failed to germinate. The seedling growth of goosegrass showed no significant growth differences between two treatments. Using different preemergence herbicides under 30/25 0Ccondition to evaluate the effects on seed germination and seedling growth of goosegrass showed all treatments had significant inhibition to the growth of seedlings. Seeds failed to germinate under the treatments of34%pendimethalin at the rates of 400Xand 800X. MSMA(35.2%) at 400X also showed good prevention of seed germination.
