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篇名 台灣主要除草劑防治小花蔓澤蘭(Mikania micrantha Kunth)之效果
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 Comparisons of Marketed Herbicides for Pre-emergence and Post-emergence Control of Mikania micrantha Kunth
作者 徐玲明蔣慕琰
頁次 073-081
關鍵字 小花蔓澤蘭萌前除草劑萌後除草劑防治Mikania micrantha Kunthpre-emergence herbicidepost-emergence herbicideweed controlTSCI
出刊日期 200212


小花蔓澤蘭為台灣本島危害嚴重的入侵雜草,原產於中南美洲,陸續於馬來西亞、印度、澳洲、香港和中國大陸東南沿岸造成重大危害並積極進行防治工作。農委會為防止小花蔓澤蘭發生面積持續擴散,研擬建立全面監測及除蔓計畫,本試驗為小花蔓澤蘭除草劑之藥劑篩選及建立有效的化學防治方法,結呆顯示萌前除草劑草脫淨、滅必淨、達有龍、復祿芬及草芬定使用一般田間劑量及其0.5 , 0.75 倍對小花蔓澤蘭都有98% 以上的防治效果;丁基拉草、滅草胺、左旋莫多草、汰草滅、施得園、及樂滅草施用一般田間劑量也可達到82~98% 的防治效果。萌後除草劑施用一般田間劑量,嘉磷塞、固殺草、巴拉法'1 、2 ,4-D 、三氯比和氯氣比噴施後小花蔓澤蘭的防治效果達93%以上,其次是本達隆和依滅草(84 、66%) ,防治效果差是百速隆、伏速隆、依速隆和甲基呻酸納。進一步的田間試驗結果亦顯示嘉磷塞、回殺草、巴拉利和氯氣比在施藥後20 天,對小花蔓澤蘭的防治效果達92~98% 。


Mikania micrantha Kunth, a Compositae from South America, has invaded into farmlands and semi-natural areas in Taiwan for the last decade. This fast growing a1ien, reproduce by seeds and fragmented plant parts, is capable of causing serious management problems. In this study, we conducted green-house and field tests to evaluate the effects of local marketed herbicides on M. mirαntha. We tested normal field used rate (x) and two reduced rates (0.75x and 0.5x) of 24 herbícídes on seeded M mirantha ín greenhouse tests. Pre-emergence test showed that atràzine, metríbuzin, diuron, oxyfluorfen, azafenidin provided 98% or higher control in all 3 rates. Effects wíth butachlor, dimethenamid, dinitramine, metazachlor, S-metolachlor, and pendimethalin were less effective; Control with these herbícides at reduced rates were lower than 80%. On 30cm-height M. micrantha, fo1iar treatment of fluroxy阱, glufosínate, paraquat and triclopyr resulted ín completely kílled. 2,4-D and glyphosate also províded more than 80% control. Post-emergence treatment wíth bentazon, flazasulfuron, ímazap抖, imazosulfuron, MSMA and pyrozosulfuron were not acceptable. Field tests on well established M. mirαntha showed that fluroxypyr, glufosinate, glyphosate and paraquat resu1ted in 92-96% reduction of fresh weight at 21 days after foliar application.
