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篇名 伏寄普對植物地上部Malondialdehyde (MDA)含量變化之影響
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Effects of Fluazifop-butyl on Malondialdehyde Content in Plants
作者 黃秀鳳張新軒蔡文福
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 伏寄普MDA 忍受性敏成性fluazifop-butylMDA susceptibletolerantTSCI
出刊日期 200106


禾本科植物除紅狐草(Festuca rubra L.)外,以伏寄普 (butyl-(R)-2-[4-[[5- (trifluoromethyl)-2- pyridinyl] oxy] phenoxy] propanoate) 噴 施葉片後12 天,地上都MDA (malondialdehyde) 含量隨著藥劑濃度增加而明顯上升,闊葉植物則完全不受伏寄普影響。水稻(0ηza sativa L.)噴施伏寄普後,地上部MDA 含量會隨著處理後天數增加而提高,並於第4-8 天 增加趨勢最為明顯。水稻不同品種問MDA 含量亦有明顯差異,較其忍受性 品種烏殼、菜園種、新竹烏腳尖等'MDA 含量在噴藥後第8 天才會明顯增加。另外,植物處理伏寄普後,鮮重生長與地上部MDA 含量之間呈現顯著 負相關關像。


The malondialdahyde (MDA) in gramineae plants were markedly increasd at 12 days after fluazifop-butyl (butyl-(R)-2-[4-[[5- (trifluoromethyl)-2- pyridinyl] oxy] phenoxy] propanoate) application except that in the red fescue. MDA content in the broadleaf plants were not affected by fluazifop-butyl. MDA content in rice plants were greatly increased with the increasing fluaziufop-butyl concentration from 4 to 8 days after treatment. MDA content in rice tolerent varieties such as Wu-Ko 、Tsay-Yuan-Jong and Hsinchu Wu-Chueh-Chien were markedly increased at 8 days after fluazifop-butyl application, while that in susceptible rice varieties at 4 days. Besides, a significantly negative relationship was found between shoot fresh weight and MDA content in plant.
