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篇名 14 種熱帶型草坪草的生長調查及其對除草劑的反應
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Survey of growth rate and influence of herbicides on warm season turfgrasses
作者 徐玲明蔣慕琰
頁次 031-044
關鍵字 熱帶型草草坪生長遠率除草劑warm season turfgrasscrop growth rateherbicideTSCI
出刊日期 200106


調查地毯草(Axonopus comp陀ssus P. Beauv.) 、顛地毯草(Axonopus affinisChase) 、竹節草(Chrytsopogon aciculatus (Retz.) Trin.) 、百慕達草(Cynodon sp.)四個品系(cornmon , Tifdwarf, Tif419, U3) 、假儉草(Eremochloa ophiuroides(Munro) Hack.) 、兩耳草(Paspalum conjugatum Berg.) 、雙穗雀祥(Paspalumdistichum L.)、百喜草(Paspalum notatum F1ugge) 、聖奧古斯丁草(Stenotaphrumsecundatum (Walt.) Kuntze.) 、高麗芝(Zoysia tenuifolía Willd.) 、結縷草(Zoysíajaponica Steud.) 等14 種熱帶型草坪草之外觀形態,開花季節,生長遠率及其對土壤施用、黨面施用除草劑的反應。葉片細小節問密的草種為百慕達草Tifdwarf 、Tif419 和高麗芝,各草種冬季的生長速率比夏季時皆降低1.5-4 倍,走莖伸長的速度亦慢了2-9 倍,地土部莖葉夏季生長最快的是普通百慕達草、假儉草和兩耳草,冬季則為百喜草,走莖伸長冬夏季皆以雙穗雀梓最快,其次為普通百慕達草。測試的15 種土壤施用除草劑對類地毯草、普通百慕達草、百慕達草U3 、兩耳草及雙穗雀梓無藥害的情形;其他,草種產生的藥害徵狀是葉片黃化,葉片的傷害於2-3 週即可恢復。葉面施用除草劑中固殺草、嘉磷塞及禾草類藥劑可造成無法恢復的傷害, 2 ,4 -D 、氯氣比、本達隆對所有熱帶型草葉片只有輕微傷害,容易恢復;亞速爛、甲基呻酸鍋、百速隆、伏速隆、image 、快克草對狗牙根屬的百慕達草及結縷草屬的高麗芝、結縷草沒有葉片外觀的傷害。


Survey of crop growth rate (CGR) and morphological characteristics on warm season turfgrasses, inc1uding Axonopus comp陀ss師, Axonopus affinis 、 Chrytsopogon aciculat肘, bermudagrass cultivars common, Tifdwarf, Tif419, and U3, Eremochloa opiuroides, Paspalum conjugatum, Paspalum distichum, Paspalum notat間, Stenotaphrum secundatum, Zoysia tenuifolia and Zoysia japonica. Data showed bermudagrass cu1tivars Tifdwarf 、Tif419 and Zoysia tenuifolia have small size leaves and dense tillers. Crop growth rate at winter was reduced 1.5-4 times than summer, the rate of stolon growth was also reduced 2-9 times. At the summer, crop growth rate was greatest in Cynodon dactylon cu1tivars common, Eremochloa opiuroides and Paspalum conjugatum; but at winter the greatest was Paspalum notatum. Stolon growth of Paspalum distichum was higher than any other tested grasses at both seasons. Warm season turfgrass was treated with 15 preemergence and 18 postemergence herbicides in separate test to assess their phytotoxicity. Axonopus affinis, Cynodon dactylon cultivars common, U3, Paspalum conjugatum, and P. distichum was not i吋ured by treatments with all 15 preemergence herbicides. These herbicides caused light foliage injury of other turfgrasses, but they were recovered after 2-3 weeks. Severe foliage injury occurred with treatment of glufosinate, glyphosate or other graminicides; Slight injury occurred with application of 2,4-D, fluroxypyr and bentazon; No injury was observed on bermudagrass cultivars common, Tifdwarf, Tif419, and U3, Zoysia tenuifolia and Zoysia japonica with asulum, MSMA, pyrazosulfruon, flazasulfuron, image, and quinc1orac.
