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篇名 甘藍施用萌後除草劑Tepraloxydim 對禾本科雜草的防除效果
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Efficacy of Tepraloxydim for Postemergence Grass Control in Cabbage Field
作者 蕭政弘馮永富邱怡詮邱建中
頁次 045-052
關鍵字 甘藍萌後除草劑禾本科雜草Cabbagepostemergence herbicidegrassesTSCI
出刊日期 200106


本試驗的目的在於評估萌後除草劑tepraloxydim 噴施後,對甘藍田禾本科雜草的防除效果。秋作試驗分別於桃園、台中及台南三個試區進行。甘藍種植後,田間禾本科雜草3 至6 薰齡時,每公頃分別以1.0 公升及1. 5 公升之5.3% tepraloxydim 乳劑(有效成分施用量為每公頃53.0 及79.5 公克) ,稀釋至600 公升,全面均勻噴施。對甘藍無藥害產生,其生育及產量均不受影響,對甘藍圍常見之牛筋草(Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) 、馬唐( Digitariaadscendens (H. K. B.) Henr.) 、芒稜(Echinochloa colona (L.) Link) 等禾本科雜草的防除效果良好,但對闊葉類及莎草料雜草則無防除效果。綜合桃園、台中及台南等三處試驗結果,在顧及農民經濟成本及環保考量下,甘藍田可於移植後,禾本科雜草3-6 葉峙,每公頃施用5.3% tepraloxydim 乳劑1. 0 公升,全面均勻噴施。


This experiment was conducted in fall crop season 2000 at three 10cations(Taoyuan,Taichung,Tainan)to evaluate the weed control efficacy of postemergence herbicide tepraloxydim in cabbage(Brassica oleracea L. Capitata Group)field. Tepraloxydim was applied to 3-61eaf stage of grass at rate of 53.0g and 79.5g ai ha- 1 ( 1.0L and1.5L ha-1 of 5.3% EC)and diluted to 600 L ha-1 with water, respectively. This herbicide was found significantly and effectively for goosegrass(Eleusine indica(L. )Gaertn. ),crabgrass (Digitaria adscendens(H.K. B.) Henr.)and junglerice(Echinochloa colona(L.)Link)control ,but no effect in broad leaf weeds and Cyperaceae . There was no herbicide lllJury found in cabbage .Cabbage yield was not affected by tepraloxydim application .According to the resu1ts and based on cost consideration, it is suggested that 5.3 % tepraloxydim EC at 1.0 L ha-1 (53.0g ai ha- 1)and diluted to 600 L ha-1 with water can be used for grass weed control in cabbage.
