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篇名 狼尾草分蘗時相關酵素活性
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 The enzyme activities in tiller buds of napiergrasses (PennÍselum purpureum) during tillering
作者 范基南朱鈞
頁次 044-056
關鍵字 分蘗酵素活性狼尾草tiller budα-amylasesucrose synthaseinvertasenitrate reductasenitrite reductasenapiergrassstem baseTSCI
出刊日期 199406


為深討狼尾草分蘗時相關酵素之活性,乃以7262又7301兩品系為材料,在台大人工氣候室中,30/25℃及200/15℃(日/夜)下扦插盆栽,並以Hoagland solution 為營養源,調配其中之含氮量在每公頃1000kg/ha,每週澆500ml盆,生長6週後青割,青割後一週內每天取下芽及莖基,以液態N固定,存於-20℃凍箱中,分析酵素活性時取出。以莖基分析α-amylase Sucsose synthase 及Invertase活性;取下莖基上之分蘗芽分析Nitrate reductase 及Nitrite reductase之活性。結果:二品系均因分蘗芽之生長,五種酵素之活性均隨之而增加。但7301之Nitrate reductase 及Nitrite reductase之活性較7262為高,表示7301對氮肥利用效率較高


The stems of napier grass strain 7262(T) and 7301(D) were planted in pots at 30/25 0C and 20/15 0C (day/night) in phytotron of Taiwan University. The levels of N in Hoagland solution at 1000 kgl ha were applied for 500 ml per pot weekly. The plants were cut when they were 6 weeks o1d. The tillers and stem bases taken per day after cutting in one week were fixed by liquid nitrogen, and then stored at -20 oC . The enzymes i.c.α-amylase , sucrose synthase and invertase and nitrate reductase (NRase) and nitrite reductase (NiRase) in tiller buds were studied. The results showed that the activities of all the 5 enzymes increased as the til1er buds growth both the two napiergrass strains. And when the N fertilizer app1ying increased, the activities of NRase and NiRase increased. The enzyme activities of NRase and NiRase were higher in t i1ler buds in strain 7301 than those in strain 7262.
