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篇名 狼尾草分蘗時根與莖基中碳水化合物含量之變化
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Changes of Carbohydrates in Stem Bases and Roots of Napiergrass During Tillering
作者 范基南朱 鈞
頁次 020-43
關鍵字 分蘗莖基非結構性水化合物澱粉蔗糖還原糖狼尾草tilleringstem basetotal nonstructural carbohydrate starchsucroseredcuing sugarrootnapiergrassTSCI
出刊日期 199406


為探討狼尾草分蘗初期,莖基與根中所貯藏之非結構性水化合物扮演之角色。乃利用7262(高莖)及7301(矮性)品系為材扦插盆栽於台大農學院人工氣候室在30/25℃及20/15℃(日/夜)下栽培,以相當於每公頃氮肥施用量500及1000及1500公斤之Hoagland solution ,每週每盆澆500ml,生長6週後青割,青割後一週內,每天取下莖基與根,測定其中之總非結構性碳水化合物(TNC)、澱粉、蔗糖及還原糖含量。結果顯示:7262及7301兩品系莖基中及根中TNC、Sucrose 及Reducing Sugar 含量在青割後第7天降至最低點,隨後即漸增至第6週,又恢復青割前之含量。而詳細探討青割後一週內,每天之含量變化,均顯示TNC、Sucrose 及Reducing Sugar均自青割後,逐日下降,至第7天降至最低。表示分蘗芽之生長時,莖基與根中之非結構性碳水化合物提供能源。且含量之多寡受N肥施用量及溫度之影響。高溫及高氮下有利非結構性碳水化合物之累積。


1n ordetr to understanding the importance of stored nonstructurecarbohydrates in stem bases and roots of napiergrass durig tillering,the strain 7262(tall) and 7301(dwarf) were used as materia1s for theexperiment. The p1ant materia1s were planted in pots in a phytotroneat 30/25 0C and 20/15 0C (day/night) , and the nutrition were given bythe Hoag1and s01ution 500m1 per week. The grasses were cut at 6weeks-01d. The stem bases and roots were taken per day in 7 daysafter cutting, and then to estimate the contents of tota1 nonstructurecarbohydrate (TNC), starch, sucrose, and reducing sugar. The resu1tsshowed that the contents of TNC, starch, sucrose and reducing sugarin stembases and roots in both strains decreased re1markab1y in the 7days after cutting, and then increased gradurally to 6 weeks old to thehighest contents. These resu1ts indicated that stored nonstructurecarbohydrates were the energy source during the early ti11ering stagein napiergrass. High nitrogen and high temperature can afect the accumu1ationof carbohydrates.
