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篇名 布袋蓮之生物防治
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Biological control of Water-hyacinth, Eichhorniae crassipes
作者 施劍鎣王前智古德業陳秋男張弘毅
頁次 057-094
關鍵字 布袋蓮生物防治生態生活史天敵WaterhyacinthEichhorniae crassipesBiological controlEcologyLife historyNatural enemyTSCI
出刊日期 199406


布袋蓮(Eichhorniae crassipes)於世界各地水域之之經濟重要性、形態特徵、生長勢、生態重要性、生活史及其防治方法等,加上在台灣的研究結果予以彙整比較之。布袋蓮之天敵種類有昆蟲、蟎類、病原菌、魚類、哺乳類、軟體動物、及植物等七大類,其中最主要而被廣泛利用成功防治布袋蓮之種類為二懂鞘翅目象鼻蟲Neochitina eichhorniae,N.bruchi及一種鱗翅目螟蛾Samiodes albiguttalis。比法及效果等。並就我國研究布袋蓮象鼻蟲(N. eichhorniae)之生活史,飼育方法,寄主植物測定,對不同寄主葉片、葉齡之喜好性及行為反應等報導之。最後討論於我國利用布袋蓮象鼻蟲天敵及螟蛾之可行性、應注意事項及方法。


The importances, morphological characteristics, ecological significances, life history, and phenology of water hyacinth, Eichhorniae crassipes, were reviewed and studied, as wel1 as the water hyacinth managements and control were also summerized. The natural enemies of water hyacinth of insects, pathogenic diseases, fishes, mammals and other animals and plants were reviewed and listed besides the most important insect-natural司enemies of Neochetina eichhorniae, N. bruchi and Sameodes albiguttalis. The life history, control measurements and effectiveness of the three major natural enemies of the water hyacinth were evaluated and the behavior of the waterhyacinth weevils was also reported herein. The research resu1ts of life history, rearing methods, host range tests, host attractiveness, feeding preference, and photo-responses of N. eichhorniae studied in Taiwan were also reported with an interpreting the advantage 、and prospect of using Neochetina spp. and S. albiguttalis in Taiwan.
