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篇名 雲林莞草在本省第一期作氣候下之生長(初報)1
卷期 13:2
作者 許志聖游素霞宋 勳
頁次 057-070
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199208




Bulrush (Scirpus maritimus L.) is a destructive perennial weedinpaddy-field, and it grows widely in Pingtung, Tainan, Yun1in,Changhua and Taichung counties in Taiwan. Especially along thecoastal areas of Changhua county. The high density of weed populationcan cause severe infection. It is difficu1t to control due to thefast growing habit and high multiplication rate. Since it reproduceshy bulbs it is highly t01erant to herbicide. The growth pattern ofbulrush at first-crop season in Taichung DAIS is describedasfollows 1. These p1ants grow rapid1y after germination. The plantheight can reach 85 cm within 48 days after emergence (DAE), thenit maintains at 90-100 cm in height. The average number of leaveis about 10. The leave color turn to yellow after 55 DAE. 2. Themaximum number of tiller is 181 per plant recorded at 69 DAE. 3.The maximum leave area of bulrush is 3650.9cm2 at 55 DAE for inbulb. 4. Flower stalks appear at 20 DAE and completgeloy bloom art41 DAE. 5. The dry weight of bulrush reaches the highest level at90 DAp. The dry weight of above ground part increases faster thenthat of under ground part at ear1ier growth stage, but the oppositeresu1tis found at about 62 DAE. 6. The under ground part of bulblike tissues appears at 4] DAE. Totally, 266 small bulbs are foundat 90 DAE. The number of small bulbs can increase to 460 at 120DAE. 7. It is highly competitive with paddy rice due to the fastgrowth rate of vegetative part of this plant.

