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篇名 Effect of Glyphosate on the Sprouting of Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) Tubers
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 嘉磷塞對香附子地下塊莖發芽活性之影響
作者 蔣永正
頁次 071-081
關鍵字 發芽活性移轉劑量遮光tuber sproutingtranslocationdosageshadeTSCI
出刊日期 199208


本研究探討嘉磷塞施用後在香附子地下塊莖之移轉情形及遮光對其移轉之影響。嘉磷塞以4及8kg/ha之劑量施用30天,分別減少25及50%之塊莖發芽率。以2kg/ha量施用120小時後,才可抑制25%之塊莖發芽,但在4kg/ha劑量下,則只需36小時,至於施用8kg/ha 72小時後可達50%上之抑制率,而以TTC法測定塊莖活性的結果與其發芽率相符合,但在測定被處理植株塊莖之糖,澱粉及全氮含量時,發現前二者會被嘉磷塞所抑制,但全氮含量則無影響。至於遮光處理本身即會抑制塊莖的生成及其發芽活性,但對嘉磷塞的運轉則似乎無顯著的抑制效果。


Studies with individual plant were conducted to determine the
effect of glyphosate rate, time for translocatioin, and shade on the
sprouting abi1ity of tubers attached to treated plants. Rates of 4 and
8 kg/ha glyphosate inhibited tuber sprouting, 72h was required for
most translocatìon at 8 kg/ha whereas 120h was sufficient at 4 kg/ha
Shading reduced the tuber number and sprouting abi1ity of purple
nutsedge, but did not affect glyphosate translocation to the tubers.
