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篇名 野草牧草化之研究II.禾草牧草化之研究
卷期 13:2
作者 范基南
頁次 094-102
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199208


自1985年7月至1986年6月一年之中,在本省南部蒐集野生禾本科野草計23屬36種,經過栽培、調查及營養分析,並與栽培種之般固草A254比較,結果以產量而言。A ndropogon nodosus、Digitaria henryi、Cynodon plectostachyas、Euchlaen amexicana、Miscanthus floridulus、Pasplum notatum等6種較盤固草為高。以適口性而言,以Andropogon annulatus、Chloros borbata、Cynodon dactylon、Digitanaci liaris、D. heterantha、D. henryi、Echinochloa crusgalli、Erchlaena mexicana、Leptochloa panicea、Panicum repens、Sorghum sndanense等牛羊較喜食。至於營養成份則與盤固草相似。綜合而言,以Andropogon、Digitaria、Cyrnodon、Enchlaena、Miscanthus、Paspalum等6屬較具牧草化之潛力。


A lot of subtropical and tropical grasses could be found inTaiwan, the island locates in subtropic. Many species were collectedfrom July 1983 to June 1986. Some of them, with possible foragelizationpotential, were selected and cultured, cut after estimating yield andchemical analizing data were compared with control pangolagrass 。The results showed that the yields of Andropogon nodosus 、Digitariahenryi 、Cynodon plectos chyas 、Euchlaen amexicana 、MiscanthusfJoridulus and Paspalum notatum were higher than control pangolagrassA254 0 Followirg 11 species grasses, i.c. Andropogon annulatusChloris borbata 、Cynodon dactyion 、Digitaria ciliaris 、D.heterantha 、D. henryi 、Echinochloa crusgalli 、Euchlaenamexicana 、Leptochloa panicea 、Panicum repens and Sorghumsudanense, had high palatabi1ity for cattles and goat. The chemicalcomposition of all the experimental grasses was much the same asthat of control pangolagrass. In conclusion the followiny 6 genera,Andropogon 、Digitaria 、。nodon 、Enchlaena 、Miscanthus andPaspalum,were thought to have foragelization potential.

