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篇名 臺灣地區農藥對溫血動物毒理之研究
卷期 12:2
作者 王順成辛竹英
頁次 093-102
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199108


本文論及國內溫血動物毒理之研究包括農藥急毒性、亞慢毒性、農藥代謝、農藥於動物體內之藥物動力學及快速致癌性之生物檢定法等之研究。其中農藥急毒性之測試包括經口服、皮膚、呼吸、皮膚刺激、眼刺激、皮膚過敏及遲發性神經毒性等項目。亞慢性毒性之研究主要以三十日及九十日測試為主,測試之藥劑包括acephate, monocrotophos,和chlorpyrifos。而農藥之藥物動力學之研究則以除蟲菊殺蟲劑為主,其中又以deltamethrin測試較完整。快速致癌性之動物試驗,國內在此項研究資料較完備,已達可實際應用之階段。 文後就本省農藥對溫血動物毒理之研究作一綜合性檢討,並對未來農藥對溫血動物毒理研究之展望做個人之建議。


This paper mainly concentrated on mammalian toxicology ofpesticide. The areas included screening approaches for acuteand subchronic toxicity studies, biochemical effects of pesticide,comparative toxicokinetics of different pesticides and rapidbioassay for carcinogenesis. The well-established tests for acutetoxicity studies included oral toxicity test, dermal toxicity test,inhaled toxicity test, dermal and eye irritation test, dermal sensitisationtest and delayed neurotoxicity test. Oral adminitrationof acephate, monocrotophos, and chlorpyrifos are carried out in30 and 90 days in sbuchronic studies. The pharmacokineticstudies of pyrethroids in rats also provides good models of absorption,distribution, metabolism and elimination of tested p剖開ticides. The rapid bioassay for carcinogenecity is also conductedduring these two years. Through this tested method, it shortentest time from two years to two months. The detail discussiùnfor this method will be eluciated, too. The author also proposedsome recommendations for the future prospects of pesticdetoxicology study on mammals in Taiwan.

