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篇名 農藥品質管制
卷期 12:2
作者 羅致逑
頁次 052-066
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199108


農藥為一種有效控制生物生長的物質,通常施用的量極微小以符合經濟利益。欲使農藥原體適時、適量、適物地散佈在廣大的特定面積上,則有賴於劑型的設計。劑型的設計往往因農藥原體之物理化學性,施用對象,環境及工具的方便性而有所不同。故對於成品農藥標準規格之訂立必須按每一農藥之需求來訂立。亦即每一農藥均要有其規格(Specification)說明,其目的即是確認農藥原體及其產品品質(Quality assurance),以作產品商品化的標準與品質管制的作業依據。在早期廠商競爭不多,高品質之農藥仍具市場利潤,但隨著廠商的增多,競爭益激烈,此時高品質、高成本則不合於市場競爭。因此需降低生產成本,品質也同時降低。此時政府的品質管制(Official quality control)就必要了。其目的則不僅使商品品質仍能維持一貫的高水準(High initial level)。也可避免仿冒者(Imitator)的劣質品(Inferior quality products)。此項政府的品管標準則需由政府中的專業研究人員(Official government scientist)與農藥工業(Pesticide industry)人員共同討論制定。本文僅就國外的現況,以數種台灣主要農藥的品質管制工作提出案例報告與建議。以期對本國農藥品質的提昇有所幫助,並進而增強外銷競爭的能力。


Pesticide is an agent used to prevent, destroy, repell ormitigate pest, and its activity and safety usually can be optimizedthrough formulation, because very few pesticide activeingredients are capable of being used in the field just as theyare. Thus, the quality of formulation is important, and thereare many parameters should be considered in order to guaranteethe best quality. It is therefore need specification to assurequality. Specifications for pesticides and pesticide formulationsrepresent a compromise between what the manufacturer canmake, and what the user wants and pays for the product.Consequently, the manufacturers should prepare an in-housespecification stating the most important quality parameters forquality assurances. In the early phase, the competition is notso keen that pesticide manufacturers still can get benefits fromtheir high quality products. As the number of companies manufacturingthe pesticides increases so fast that manufacturers arecompelled to reduce the cost for research and development, andthis indicated the quality will also decreased. Thus the needfor official quality control arises not only to insure the productsquality be maintained at the high initial level, but also toprevent imitators from making easy money through the sale ofinferior quality products. This specification would be better decidedby both official government scientist and pesticide indus-t叮1 in order to get a specification of practical value. This paperwiU discuss the quality control program used in othercountries, some instances of major pesticides used in TaiwanwiU also be discussed. The ultimate purpose of this discussionis to insure the quality of domestic pesticide product, and alsoto promote the manufi:wturer's export ability.

