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篇名 臺灣農藥管理之回顧與展望
卷期 12:2
作者 蘇明清陳秋男
頁次 034-041
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199108


國內農藥之生產、銷售及使用等之規範,皆係依據農藥管理法及其施行細則,以及其他規關法規。農藥管理法係於六十一年公布,歷經三次修正;施行細則為配合實際需要,亦曾六次修正。對於「偽農藥」有刑罰之規定;對於「劣農藥」,以及其他違反行政手續者,有行政罰之規定。大體而言,有關農藥管理各項規定已臻完善。   農藥管理涉及層面甚廣,其業務在中央涉及農委會、勞委會、經濟部、行政院衛生署及環保署等單位,由農委會統籌聯繫協調。   農藥登記之審查,係由農委會提交農藥技術諮議委員會,就毒理資料審查其安全性,並審議田間藥效、藥害及殘留量測定結果。審查過程力求客觀嚴謹,經審查後之農藥,農委會始准發給許可證,農藥許可證有效期間為四年。   農藥品質管制,係由省農林廳督導,將全省二十一縣分為八個小區,各小區組成聯合檢查小組,依據農藥管理法規定,抽驗市售成品農藥,送商檢局檢驗,不合格者依法處以罰緩,並追蹤改進。   為防止農藥殘留,政府自五十五年起,即開始進行短期作物蔬菜之農藥殘留防止工作,由省農林廳與各縣市政府配合辦理,在主要蔬菜產區,設立殘留測定站,雇用專人,針對田間採收前之蔬菜及集貨場、果菜市場之蔬菜,抽樣檢驗殘留農藥。自七十八年起,為加強辦理測定工作,特將各地之測定站改為「田間蔬果農藥殘留防止工作站」,由省農業藥物毒物試驗所負責督導,著重於蔬果採收前之抽驗,如有超過安全容許量者,即予追蹤教育,指導農民延至安全期後採收。   農委會對於已上市之農藥,業已經常搜集國內外文獻資料,進行其對人體與環境影響之安全評估,一旦發現問題,即由該會依法採取因應措施,截至目前已先後撤銷農藥許可證並予禁用者計有五十種農藥,今後仍將繼續對各種常用農藥進行審慎評估。


The, registration, import, manufacture, marketing,的0-rage, labeling and testing of pesticides are regulated by the Pesticides Regulation Law (promulgated in 1972) and its enforcementRules. These rules also provide for administrativeand criminal penalties for violatiom; of pesticide regulations.The Council of Agriculture (COA) is responsible for theregistration and use of pesticides. To carry out this task,COA enlists the cooperation of .'ther relevant government officersand experts as advisors on specific cases.Toxicology plays an increasingly important role in the registrationprocess. The Pesticide Advisory Committee is responsiblefor evaluating both the toxicological and efficacy data ofpesticides and makes recommendations on pesticide registration.According to the pesticides regulation law, all pesticide registrationsincluding me-too products shçmld under-go the ef1icacytest locally, and the bioefficacy test should be conducted bygovernment research institutions. If passed, the pesticide wiIJ beregistered with a registration permit granted to the applicantby COA. Registrations are valid for four years.A quality inspection group headed by the Provincial Departmentof Agriculture and Forestry collects samples routinelyfrom the pesticide plants or the retail stores and ends themto the Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine forformulation analysis. Producers whose product does not meetspecifïcations are penalized. As a result, the quality of pesticidesin the market has imporved significantly.To prevent hazards caused by pesticide abuse, stations formonitoring pesticide residues on vegetables were established in1966. The stations are staffed by specialists from the TACTRIwho sample and conduct residue analysis on vegetables 仕omthe fields ur wholesale markets. These specialists also educatefarmers on the safe use of pesticides.Due to the extensive evidence of widespread contaminationof the environment, and pesticide residues in the food chain,COA decided to remove a small number of persistent, carcinogenicor otherwise highly toxic pesticides from the market aftera special review by the Pesticide Advisory Committee. Since1971, permits for 50 types of pesticides have been revoked.

