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篇名 草坪與植生覆蓋之雜草及其管理
卷期 12:1
作者 蔣慕琰
頁次 076-076
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199102




Many upland weeds are capable to infesting turf and the purposeIymaintained groundcover vegetations, causing problems relating toscenery, sanitation, traffic safety, and deteriorating the groundcovervegetations. 1n general, tall and fast growing perennial weeds whichpropagate both by seeds and vegetative organs are most troublesome.For fine turf, mowing-tolerant or prostrate weeds are most difficult tocontrol. Cutting, mowing, and herbicides are commonly used in Taiwanfor weed control in these above-mentioned situations. Herbicidesare primarily used in orchard, but not often used for turf and roadside conditions. Considerabie improvement could be made in termsof control efficacy. 1n the long run, weed management systems thatconsidering control efficacy, weed succession, impact on cultivatedvegetation as well as on enviroment need to be estab!ished. 1n thispaper, important weeds, weed ecology, available control techniques,and control of some special weeds are introduced.

