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篇名 Crop Tolerance and Efficacy of Clopyralid and 1ts Tank-Mixture with Haloxyfop-Methyl in Vegetables
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 畢克草及其與甲基合氯氟混合施用之雜草防治與作物忍受性
作者 李茂昇吳德祺
頁次 062-072
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199008


本文探討殺草劑畢克草(Clopyralid)單劑及立即混合甲基合氯氟(Haloxyfop-methyl)對雜草防治效果和作物忍受性。自1987到1989年田間試驗得知,使用畢克草(Clopyralid)171和343g ai/ha對節花路蓼(Ploygonum plebeium R. Br),小葉飛藋(Chenopodium serotinum L.),馬齒莧(Portnlaca oleracea L.),龍葵(Solamum nigrum L.),苦蘵草(Physalis angulata L.),以及節節花(Altermanthera nodiflora R.)有很好的效果,對鵝兒腸(Stellaria aquatica Scop),野莧(Amaranthus viridis L.)以及薺菜(Capsella bursapastoris Medic)則無防治效果。   畢克草與甲基合氯氟立即混合後,並未降低畢克草防治闊葉雜草的效果。畢克草(Clopyralid)85,171,257,及343g ai/ha與甲基合氯氟(Haloxyfop-methyl)125g ai/ha立即混合對十字花科作物如甘藍菜、花椰菜、青花菜、芥藍菜、蘿蔔、包心菜及青江白菜等無藥害,對大蒜、蔥及菠菜早期施用時(1-2葉)亦安全,但是對紅莧菜、白莧菜、萵苣則有明顯藥害發生。 畢克草業已經過政府委託試驗及殘留量測定,合乎推薦標準,其使用方法為34.3%畢克草液劑每公頃使用有效用量171公克,可防治甘藍田的節花路蓼、小葉飛藋、馬齒莧、龍葵及節節花等雜草。


Feld trials were conducted during 1987 to 1989 to evaluateweed control and crop tolerance of c10pyralid (3 , 6-dichloropicolinicacid) and its tank-mixture with haloxyfop-methyl (Methyl 2-(4-((3-chloro-5-trif1 uromethyl) -2-pyridinyl)oxy )phenoxy) propanoate)in vegetables. Clopyralid at 171 g and 343 g ai/ha showed excellentactivity against Polygonum plebeium R. Br. (knot-weed) ,Chenoρodium serotinum L. (small goosefoot) , Portulaca oleracea L.(common purslane) , Solanum nigrum L. (black nightshade) ,Physαlis angulata L. (ground cherry) and λlternanthera nodifoliaR. Br. (a1ternanthera) , but was inactive on Stellaria equaticaScop. (aquatic starwort), Amaranthus viridis L. (slender amarant旬, and Capsella bursa-pastoris Medic. (shepherdspurse). Atank-mixture of c10pyralid and haloxyfop-methyl did not ;reducethe performance of c10pyralid against broadleaved weeds.Cruciferous vegetables: common Cabbage , chinese cabbage ,caulif1ower , broccoli , leaf kale , radish , celery cabbage and celerycabbage cv. ching-geng were tolerant to clopyralid at rates of 85 ,171 , 257 and 343 g ai/ha in combination with haloxyfop-methylat 125 g ai/ha. Gar1 ic and welsh onion , and spinach were alsotolerant when treated at 1-2 leaf stage. The combination was notwell tolerated by carrot , white amaranth , red amaranth and daisy.Moving completed official field trials and finding negligibleresidue of c10pyralid on common cabbage head at 50 and 57 daysafter treatment. Clopyralid at 171 g ai/ha is now recommendedto farmers for controlling broadleaf weeds: P. plebeium , C. serotinum ,and P. olerac仰, S. nigrum and A. nodifolia in common cabbagefield.

