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篇名 台灣旱田雜草香附子種內變異之研究II七個地區族群之形態特性之變異
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Studies on the Intraspecific Variation of the U pland Weed Purple Nutsedge (Gypems rotundus L.) in Taiwan
作者 陳勝彰曾富生
頁次 045-061
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199008


為探討台灣7個地區及台中區田間與田埂之香附子(Cyperus rotundus L.)族群變異,在台北、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄、台東、花蓮等7個地區之旱田上採集香附子塊莖,於1987年8月在中興大學以同一方法定植於塑膠盆內,調查其外部形態及生育特性,於種植後兩個月,植株下部葉片變黃時,就所有參試個體調查最大葉片之葉長、葉幅、分枝數、塊莖數、塊莖重、每塊莖重等營養生長性狀及開花株率;並對開花植株調查抽穗期,於開花盛期調查穗軸長、花莖幅、第一苞葉長、第一苞葉幅、第三苞葉長、第三苞葉幅、花穗數、最長小穗軸、最長花穗長、最短花穗長等性狀。估算各族群各種性狀之特性,並以多變數變方分析及判別分析進行群間比較,結果摘要如下: 1.臺灣地區參試的7個香附子族群間之平均值,開花株率均有顯著的差異存在。 2.以多變數變方分析統計結果,7個族群相互間之性狀平均向量間均有顯著之差異。判別分析結果,以葉長、第一苞葉長、分枝數三個性狀在族群間的差異最明顯。


Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) , a widely distributedweed in Taiwan , was identified as the worst weed in the world.In order to understand the variation of its population , tubers ofpurple nutsedge from seven district areas inc1uding Taipei , Taichung, Chiayi , Tainan , Kaohsiung , Taitung and Hualien weresampled and transplanted to the experimental farm of the NationalChung Hsing University in August , 1987 , and then , allowed themto be grown under the same conditions so that their morphologicalcharacteristics were investigated. As the plant started to bloom ,morphological traits inc1uding days to first flowering , rachis number, rachis length , rachis width , first bract length , first bractwidth , third bract length , third bract width , bract number , longestrachilla length , longest spikelet length and shortest spikelet length、were measured. Moreover , the leaf length and leaf width of thelargest leaf , shoot number , tuber number and total tuber weightwere also measured both on flowering and non-flowering plantswhen the lower three leaves of the plants wilted. Statistical methodsinc1uding multivariate analysis of variance , Hotelling's T test anddiscriminant analysis were employed to investigate the variation inpopulation structure among the seven locations. Results were summarizedas follow:1. The presented data showed that of the investigated morphologicalcharacters , and of the heading date and flowering percentagewere all significantly different among the purple nutsedge populationsampled from the seven different locations of Taiwan.2. Multivariate variance analysis and discriminant analysis further confirmed that significant differences were also detected inall the morphological characters investigated , in that , the differencein leaf length , first bract length and shoot number were especiallyremarkable.

