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篇名 牧地雜草防除之研究I 恒春畜產試驗分所之雜草生態
卷期 11:2
作者 范基南吳建福
頁次 073-080
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199008




The object of the experiments was to understand the weedsecology of pasture in Heng-Chun Station of TLRI. The horizontaland vertical distribution of weeds and the weeds transplanted bycattle or goat were also studied. The results indicated that amountof Gramineae weeds mainly were Johnson grass, star grass , bluestem grass and others. In the grazing pasture, we found blue stemgrass , Mimosa pudica and Stachytarpheta jamacensis. The verticaldistribution of weeds in pasture for mowing were found at 0-40cmunderground , their kinds and quantities were very few. The weedswere also distributed at 0-40 cm underground in the pasture forgrazing , and the kinds and quantities were much more than thosein the pasture for mowing. Cattle is the most important animal fortransplanting the weeds , especially for the Gramineae weeds.

