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篇名 非耕作地殺草劑藥效試驗
卷期 3:2
作者 邱建中洪武澄黃振增
頁次 111-115
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198208


本試驗於民國71年2~8月分別於清水、台中、嘉義及水上四處測定asulam+dalapon, triclopyr及velpar三種殺草劑在非耕作地之除草效果,以glyphosate為對照進行比較。試驗結果指出,asulam+dalapon適合禾本科雜草之防除,用量2.50+3.80kg ai/ha即可,triclopyr則對闊葉草之防除效果較佳,用量1.85~2.50 kg ai/ha之間,而velpar則可防除上述兩類雜草,除草效果與glyphosate類似或較佳,且更具土壤殘效作用,為一相當理想的非農耕地殺草劑。


The effects of asulam 十dalapon , triclopyr and velpar onthe weed control of non-crop land were tested. Four locationsand three replications were adopted. The results indicated thatasulam + dalapon at the rate of 2.50 十3.80 kg ai[ha gave goodcontrol of grasses. Triclopyr at the rate of 1. 85-2.50 kg ai[hawas very effective to broadleaves. Velpar was the most suitableherbicide for the weed control on non-crop land , which wassimilar or even better than g 1 yphosate . The rate of 4.50 kgai Iha gave good control of weeds.Additional index words; Paraquat , glyphosate , dalapon ,target , triclopyr , velpar , Portulaca oleracea , Eleusine indica ,Cynodon dactylon , lmperata cylindrica , Cyperus rotundus ,Bidens bi pinnate , Oxalis spp. Alternanthera sessilis, P aspalumspp. Hyptis rhomboides , Polygonum plebeium , Erigeron spp.

