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篇名 臺灣地區農藥污染環境之研究I、大甲溪及沿岸農田受巴拉刈污染之情形
卷期 2:1
作者 吳偉亮饒連財
頁次 013-020
關鍵字 Paddy leveesPercentage of clayTSCI
出刊日期 198102




Applications of pesticide chernicals in orchard lands and ricepaddy fields along the Tachia River have been extrernely heavy.The possibility of water and soil pollutions by pesticides as aresult of such application has been raised repeatedly. The rnainreason of such public concern is rnostly due to the fact that thefunction of the Shihkang Reservoir , which was cornpleted threeyears ago , was partially designed to supply drinking water forTaichung rnetropolitan area and the Taichung Harbor , includingocean liners.Sarnples of water , soil and sedirnents were collected frornthe river and rice paddy fields of four towns along the river.Soil sarnples frorn Lishan orchard , an area never using suchherbicide , were also analysed for the purpose of cornparison.The study covered the whole period of March thru Decernber,1979. Results revealed that none of the waters and sedirnentscontained detectable quantity of paraquat. However , soils frornrice paddy fields and paddy levees of all four towns were heavilycontarninated by this herbicide , particularly those frorn Tungshihand Holi. The highest residues detected in the soils of rice paddyfield and levee were 6.2 and 10.0 pprn respectively for Tungshihand 3.0 and 3.75 pprn respectively for Holi. Soils frorn all samplingsites contain 7.0 to 24.5% of clay particles.The clay material is considered to belong to Illite group,which can firmly absorb cations such as paraquat and prevent itfrom being degradated.
