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篇名 Intraspecific Variation and Community Shift of Weeds - From a Viewpoint of Weed Control 一
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 由雜草防治觀點論雜草種內變異及雜草相變異
作者 植木邦和
頁次 021-032
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198102




A weed can be said to have an excellent diversity of itsown species in responding so rationally to serious changes of theenvironment as to leave its progenies for succeeding years. Forexamples , weeds have a period of dormancy in their seeds orunderground organs and many of them possess an adaptive measureto soil environment such as moisture and oxygen levels.In this presentation, the importance of recognition of the statehow a weed responds to and changes with the changes in naturaland manrs disturbing enviroments is introduced from a view of theintraspecific variation and community shift of weeds , as listedbelow. These can be a fundamental data for establishment of aweed control technology suitable to new era.lntraspecific variation; 1) differentiation of ecotypes, 2) c1 inaldifferentiation, 3) intraspecific variation in herbicide susceptibility.Community shift of weeds; 1) increase of perennial weeds , 2)unusal propagation of aquatic weeds , 3) evolution of herbicide 、resistant strains.For the coming technology in weed control , it is not enoughto simply eliminate "pest" for crop production. We must clarifythe standpoint of our agriculture in the ecosystem where man isinvolved , so that we may place the concept of weed controltechnology into the agroecosystem. It is not necessary to eradicateweeds completely , but to control the pest below a permissiblelevel. ln order to establish the concept of weed control suitableto new era , we require basic information in physiological andecological properties of weeds and crops , property and shift ofweed community , mechanisms of competition between crop andweed , mode and mechanism of a herbicide action in crop andweed. A key in new weed control technology is integratedcontrol systems which chemical control , cultural or physicalcontrol , and biological control all available to us are sophisticatedlycombined into. Also , we have to throw energy into theeducation in weed science.

