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篇名 Performances of Perflan in Extensive Evaluation Tests for Weed Control in Sugarcane in Taiwan
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 蔗田新殺草劑Perflan之試驗成績
作者 彭聲揚凃連財
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 tebuthiuronnapropamidetrifluralinmetribuzinAmexametrynasulamterbacildiuronZoba2 ,4-DPerfluidoneK-1441ErbotancyanazineElusine indicaDigitariα sanguinalisDactyloctenium aegy pticumAmaranthus spinosusCynodon dactylonAmaranthus viridisLeptochloa chinensisEchinochloa crusgalliAgeratum conyzoidtsIρomoea sρρTSCI
出刊日期 198102


由臺灣糖業研究所自民國62年起至67年,每年期舉行之蔗田新藥劑評定試驗中,Perflan,原名EL-103或Spike為含1-(5-tert-butyl-1,3,4- thiadiazol-2-yl)-1,3- dimethylurea(普通名稱Tebuthiuron)之80%可濕性粉劑,對近年庶田猖獗之禾本科草類有優異防除成績,值得推廣應用。該藥劑與過去本所試驗substituted ureas及triazines類土面噴施殺草劑不同,與2,4-D混施並無相輔作用(Sy-nergism),故在每公頃有效成分1公斤用量下之除草效果尚超過diuron+2,4-D各1.6公斤效果之35.7%。一般情形下該藥0.8~1.0公斤/公頃萌前或早期萌後噴施即可獲得80%以上雜草防除效果,惟以萌前應用為佳,萌後全面噴施可引起幼蔗暫時性抑制生長之藥害。其最低藥效強度約為diuron之2倍,其萌前施藥量雖高至3.2公斤/公頃,對新植蔗之生長及產量均無影響。該藥另一特質為具有接力延效作用,即於秋植期萌前施用1.6公斤/公頃以上,復於宿根時僅施用一半劑量,可使其在土壤中之殘效延至宿根期而不衰退,使新植與宿根蔗均獲90%以上之優異除草效果;若宿根期不增施半量藥劑時,即使新植期施用4.8公斤/公頃之藥量,其殘效至宿根期因不獲加強而衰退,使宿根期雜草得以自由萌發。


From a series of extensive screening field trials for newherbicìdes carried on annually from 1973 until 1978 crop year ,Perf1 an , an 80 何WP product of 1-(5-tert-butyl-1 ,3, 4-thiadiazol-2-yl) -1 ,3-dimethylurea (tebuthiuron) surpassed more than 20 othernew products and the standard diuron and atrazine in performancesof weed control. It differed from other substituted ureasand triazines ever tested in that it showed no synergetic effectwhen mixed with 2,4-D. Perf1an at 1. 0 kg ai/ha used aloneas preemergence achieved excel1ent weed control , which was35.7% better than standard di uron 十2 , 4-D each at 1.6 kg aiJha.1n most cases Perf1an at 0.8- 1.0 kg ai[ha applied preemergenceor early postemergence was enough to obtain satisfactory 80-9。如weed control. However , the preemergence treatment was preferredas the over-all postemergence would cause temporarygrowth retardation of young cane. Its preemergence dosage up to3.2 kg ai/ha would not significantly affect growth and yield ofplant crop. With the least effective dosage Perflan could be 2times as effective as diuron , as shown by its 80% weed controlat 0.5 kg ai I ha over diuron at 1. 0 kg ai f ha in a tria1. With aplant-ratoon-ratoon consecutive sugarcane crop , a preemergenceapplication of Perflan at 1. 6 kg aifha on the autumn plant cropfollowed by half of its dose on the first ratoon could achieveabout 90% weed control for each of the two crop years. Whereasweeds would reappear freely in the first ratoon even a high doseup to 4.8 kg ai jha of this herbicide had been applied to the plantcrop but had not been reapplied in the first ratoon.
