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生育期及休閒期由水田所收集的21 種分別屬於雨久花科、蓼科、藜科、莧科、馬齒莧科、石竹科、十字花科、千屈菜科、柳葉菜科、唇形花科、茄科、玄參科和茜草科的常見雜草種子,用掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察表面並比較其結果。在灰菫、小葉灰菫 、刺莧及野莧、丁香蓼及水丁香和踞葉定經草及母草等四群各自比較,其粗表面構造並無多大的不同,但於微細構造,諸如種臍、種身表面構造則具明顯的差異。


A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study was performedon the surface of weed seeds of 21 species or varieties includingPontederiaceae which is Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea ,Polygonaceae which is Polygonum lapthifoliu仰, Chenopodiaceaewhich are Chenopodium album var. centrorubum and C. serotinu悶,Amaranthaceae which are Alternanthera nodiflora , Amaranthusspinosus, and A. viridis, Portulacaceae which is Portulaca oleracea,Caryophyllaceae which is Stellaria aquatica , Cruciferae whichis Rorippa indica, L ythraceae which are Ammannia baccif era andRotala indica, Onagraceae which are Lud叩igia epilobioides and L.oct仰alis subsp. sessilif lora , Labiatae which is H yptis capita旬,Solanaceae which is Solanum nigrum , Scrophulariaceae which areMazus japonica , Lindernia anagallis var. verbenaefolia , L. pyxidariaand Vandellia crustacea, Rubiaceae which is Hedyotis dif- ‘f usa. Significant differences of the fine structures of hilum andsurface exist between Chenopodium album var. centrorubum andC. serotinum, Amaranthus spinosus and A. viridis, Lud叩igia epilobioidesand L. octovalis, and Lindernia anagallis var. verbenae f oliaand L. pyxidaria, respectively, whether their macrostructures areor are not significantly different.
