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篇名 Effect of Pendimεthalin On Weed and Sugarcane Growth
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 斯統普對雜草及甘蔗生長之影響
作者 葉鴻展
頁次 107-112
關鍵字 StompTSCI
出刊日期 198008


斯統普(Stomp)為具有選擇性之殺草劑,於蔗田施用時對一年生之禾本科雜草具有良好之防治效果,但對一年生之闊葉草類則難能有效的予以控制,尤其在施藥後兩個月左右時為然,在供試之兩種斯統普配方中,粉劑之斯統普在置於田間情況下約在攝氏50度左右極易劣變為褐色之結晶而呈不溶性。為增進斯統普對闊葉草之控制及防止劣變結晶,若以每公頃1公斤有效成份之斯統普乳劑(Stomp 330-E)與每公頃有效成份0.5公斤之亞脫淨或0.4公斤之達有龍混施,不但可增強對闊葉草之防治效果,同時在田間高溫下斯統普乳劑亦不結晶劣變,且對於甘蔗之分蘗及莖長亦無不利之影響,因而此種混合劑對防治蔗田雜草甚具希望。


YEH, H. J. 1980. Effect of Pendimethalin on Weed andSugarcane Growth. Weed Science Bul1etin 1 : 107-112.Two formulations of pendimethalin [N-(l -ethylpropyl) -3 ,4-dimethyl-2 ,6-dinitrobenzeneamine], Stomp WP and Stomp 330-Ewere applied in sugarcane fields to test the efficacy of contollingannual weeds. According to the experimental results, either StompWP or Stomp 330-E showed very effective control on annualgrass weeds but not for broadleaf weeds. Moreover Stomp WPcrystalized easily at higher temperatures around 50 C. To improvethe efficacy on broadleaf weed control and to solve the problemof crystalization , Stomp 330-E at 1 kgaiJha combined with atrazineat 0.5 kgai/ha or diuron at 0.4 kgai/ha were adopted fo1"preemergence treatments. Under these combinations as high as89% controJ both on grass and broadleaf weeds was evaluated 85days after application. While Stomp 330 -E did not crystalize athigher temperatures. Considering the efficacy of weed controland practical use , Stomp 330-E mixed with atrazine or diuron inpreemergence application could be a promising usage in sugarcal'lefields.

