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篇名 殺草劑、覆蓋稻草及燒稻草對裡作不整地田雜草之作用
卷期 2:2
作者 蔣慕琰呂理燊
頁次 093-104
關鍵字 Alachlorlinuronbenthiocarb+prometrynatrasinepend imethal inparaquatTSCI
出刊日期 198108


1979及1980兩年之裡作季進行田間試驗以探討殺草劑、覆蓋稻草及燒稻草對裡作不整地田雜草之作用。試區內共有32種雜草發生其主要者均為一年生闊葉性草。殺草劑試驗採用裂區設計比較5種萌前殺草劑:拉草(alachlor)1.7kg ai/ha,理有龍(linuron)0.6kg ai/ha,佈殺丹(benthiocarb+prometryn)4.4kg ai/ha,草脫淨(atrazine)0.75kg ai/ha,及施得圃(pendimethalin)1.0kg ai/ha,單獨施用及分別與接觸性殺草劑巴拉刈(paraquat)0.75kg ai/ha混合之殺草作用。除拉草外,其餘所試之藥劑均可殺死田面上之萌芽草。理有龍、佈殺丹、草脫淨及施得圃處理區之鮮草重於施藥後30天減少90%以上,施藥後60天仍較對照區為少;混施巴拉刈對此四種萌前殺草劑除草力之影響不大。拉草之除草效果次於其他所試之萌前藥劑且有效期較短;拉草必須與巴拉刈混施才能有效之防治雜草。兩年試驗中,巴拉刈對雜草之作用以未施灌溉之1980年試驗較佳。覆蓋及燒稻草試驗所用之稻草量為6T/ha,分水稻收害後10、20或30天三處時期。燒稻草可減少鮮草重88%以上,其雜草防治之效果與噴巴拉刈者無顯著之差異。處理時期對燒稻草及噴巴拉刈之防治結果無明顯之影響。覆蓋稻草處理區中鼠麴舅、節花路蓼、及廣東葶藶較少,但鵝兒腸及早苗蓼則與對照區無差異;整體之防治效果而言,覆蓋稻草較燒稻草或噴巴拉刈者為差。


Field trials were conducted in 1979 .and 1980 to evaluate the effect of herbicides, rice straw mulching and rice straw burning on weeds of no-tilled field after the 2nd rice crop in central Taiwan. Thirty-two species of weeds were identified in experimental site which was dominanted by annual broadleaf weeds. Alachlor (2- chloro-2 I, 6' -diethyl-N-(methoxymethyl) acetanilide) 1.7 kg ai/ ha, linuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-I-methoxy-1-methylurea) 0.6 kg ai/ha, benthiocarb {S-(4-chlorophenyl) methyl) diethyl carbamothioate} + prometryn (2.4- bis ( isopropyl . amino) -6- (methyl thi.o)-s-triazine) 4+0.4 kg ailha, atrazine (2-choro-4-(ethyamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine) 0.75 'kg aijha, and pendimethalin (N-(l-ethyl propyl)-3, 4-dimethyl-2, 6-dinitro benzenamine) 1.0 kg aijha were applied alone or in tank-mix with paraquat (1,1 -dimethyl-4,4 bipyridinium ion) 0.75 kg aijha in split plot designed trials. Emerged weeds, mostly under 2 to 3 leaf stage, were killed by all other herbicides tested except alachlor. Total weed fresh weight of linuron, benthiocarb-l-prometryn, atrazine, or pendimethalin treated plot was reduced by 90% or more at 30 days after treatment (DAT) , and was significantly less than those obtained from check plot at 60 DAT. The addition of paraquat contributed little to the control result of these 4 pre-emergence herbicides. Alachlor was less effective than other pre-emergence herbicides tested, in terms of reducing weed stands, weed fresh weight, and control period. Onlywhen mixed with paraquat, alachlor effectively controlled the weeds. Performance of paraquat was better in the non-irrigated trial in 1980 than the irrigated trial of previous year. Rice straw mulching and rice straw burning were practiced at 10, 20, or 30 days after rice harvesting, by using 6 tjba of rice straw. Rice straw burning. equalled to paraquat in control efficacy, largely and consistently reduced the fresh weight of weeds in any of the 3 treatment times. Rice sfraw mulching, resulted in stand reduction of Polygonum plebieum, Rorripa cantoniensis and, Gnaplwlium pupureum; Howewer , it was generally less effective in controlling weeds than rice straw burning or paraguat treatment.
