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篇名 歷年來稻田殺草劑推廣概況及問題
卷期 3:1
作者 胡承榮
頁次 014-017
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198202




The application of herbicides on paddy field in Taiwan can be traced to as early as 1960's. However, the pace was slow and the extent was limited until 1972, when the SuPply of rural labor began to shrink caused by the rapid industrialization as well as the improved chemicals and its application techniques have become more rei iable. Since then, the extent of herbicides appl ication have remarkably increased. Uo to the first crop of 1981. there were about 98% of paddy field in Taiwan using herbicides for weeds control. Since 1966, more than sixty commercial names of herbicides have been adopted by farmers, but only nine of them have been applied more than ten thousand hectares per year, i.e., Machete, Saturn. Molinate ordram, Saturn-M, X-52, Tok, Basagran. Mo, SM009. Among those, Machete was the topest one, its applied acreage was about 50% of the total paddy fields which used herbicides for weeds control in Taiwan. Although significant achievements have been made on the extension of herbicides in the past decade, there are still many problems to be solved, such as: too many herbicides to be chosen . by farmers, lack of experimental data to be followed, prices of some herbicides are still too high to be purchased by farmers.

