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篇名 東部地區稻田殺草劑使用概況及問題
卷期 3:1
作者 蘇昌吉
頁次 081-088
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198202




In 1981 the total cultivated hectage of the second rice crop in the eastern region (which includes Hualien and Taitung counties) was 21,991 ha. The hectage of transplanted fields and direct seeded fields was 18,544 ha and 3,447 ha, respectively. About 97.5 per cent heatage use herbicides to control weeds in the transplanted fields and in all the direct seeded fields. The most widely used chemical is 5 % Machete G covering 69.4 per cent of the hectage in total (71. 3 per cent in transplanted and 60.7 per cent in direct seeded. Next was 130/0 Saturn M, G with 7.3 per cent (8.5 per cent in transplanted and 1. 9 per cent in direct seeded). In Hualien area, application with 50% Saturn EC. and 35% Starn F 34 EC. were also popular in direct seeded fields with hectages occupied 26.6 per cent and 19.7 per cent, respectively. Although herbicides were used so widely in these areas, still some problems remain, which should be studied and sought out for more safe and effective methods of controlling weeds on extension. These are 1) Farmers are confused by the numerous names and trade marks of herbicides, 2) Weeds such as bulrush, kuroguwai, arrowhead, Sagittaria pygmea, monochoria, etc, which are hard to cortrol are increasing, when the same or similar chemicals are applied for a long time, 3) There should be more research into the relationship of applied herbicides with soil, temperature, irrigation management and rice, 4) In the direct seeded fields, weeds grow easily, and there is less efficacy to weeding by herbicides than in transplanted fields, 5) to estimate the practical value of herbicides such as nCPA, 2,4-D, MCPA, simetrine, etc, which are applied under varying conditions and in varying environments, although they still have good efficiency for weeding but easily cause chemical injury .

