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篇名 臺中地區水田雜草防除之回顧與前瞻
卷期 3:1
作者 邱建中洪武澄
頁次 062-070
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198202




Weeds in the paddy fields had been traditionally controlled by hands in Taiwan. Since late 1960, large increase in cost of labor and the diminishing supply of farm labor. chemical weeding methods have become popular. In central Taiwan, weed control by chemicals was increased from 19% in 1972 to more than 95 % of the total ri ce producing area in 1980. At present time, the most popular herbicides are butachlor, benthiocarb and chloromethoxynil which are counted to 66%, 13%, and 17% of the total chemical weeding area, respectively. The estimated yield losses of rice grain are 25% for transplanted rice and 71 % for direct seeded rice caused by weed competition. However, this yield losses vary with weed species, density and time of control, etc. To strength the basic research. to simplify the name of herbicides and to screen the more effective chemicals are the major tasks of the development in chemical weed control in Taiwan .

