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篇名 Response of Azolla to Some Pre-emergence Herbicides and Effect of AzolIa Covering on Weeds
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 滿江紅對萌前殺草劑之反應及滿江紅之覆蓋對雜草發生之影響
作者 李啟彰
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198202




AzolIa was killed by the following 9 paddy herbicides, Machete, Machete+K223, Machete+Mo338, �achete+X-52, Modown, Ronstar , Saturn, TOK and X-52 at the recommended rates in pot tests where free water was maintained at 2 ern height. When free water was increased to 5 em height, the herbicides were still detrimental to the growth of azolla. The toxicity of herbicides was still observed, even when azolla was inoculated at the sixth day after herbicide application. Most of the azolla plants were killed by Modown and TOK at the concentration of O. 1 ppm(ai). However, the survived plants could still propagate and then cover the water surface within 30 days after application. All azolla plants were killed completely by Machete and Saturn at the concentration of 1 ppm. In comparison with non-azolla inoculated control in green house, 80 and 90 per cent of the weeds in soils sampled from the 1st and 2nd rice crops, respectively, were inhibited by the azolla covering on the w-ater surface. Weed reducing effects were also observed in the dual culture of azolla and rice. Additional index words: Paddy rice, Machete+K 223, Machete +Mo 338, Machete+X-52. Modown, Ronstar, Saturn, TOK, X-52.

