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篇名 臺灣稻米增產因素的探討
卷期 3:1
作者 邱建中黃賢喜邱存金李惠元陳清文
頁次 047-057
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198202




Among various crop productions, rice is the most essential one in national agricultural development. Paddy rice always ranks first in both production value and production hectareage. The production of rice grain in the past 30 years has increased more than 3.5 times. The contributive factors to the improvement of rice production were as the following: 1) The success of "Rural Land Reform Program" is to induce the production willing of farmers. The result is a higher crop yield and better farm family income. 2) "Farm Land Consolidation Program" contributes more efficiency utilization of farm land. 3) A number of new rice varieties of both japonica and indica type have been developed through various breeding programs. 4) The improvement of rice cultural methods to increase rice yield has been proved practical and fruitful. 5) The better use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are two major factors of increasement of unit 'rice yield. 6) The rapid farm mechanization of rice farm bas led to a new phase which marks an end of labor slack production. 7) Proper flood prevention and adequate irrigationjdrainage systems is to guarantee the safety of rice producaion. 8) The expansion of agricultural extension net has led to the development of better utilization of natural resources and technologies .

