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篇名 臺灣稻田雜草及其危害
卷期 3:1
作者 蔣慕琰呂理燊
頁次 018-046
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198202




In literatures, 165 species of plants, belong to 42 families, have been recorded as weeds in paddy field in Taiwan. Weed flora resembles those of the neighboring areas such as mainland China, Korea, Japan, and Philippine. The most important weeds are Monochoria vaginalis, Echinochloa Crus- galli, Cyperus di f f ormis, Sagitzaria tri/olia, and Scirpus [uncoides for their wide distribution and great damaging capability. Common and moderate important weeds are Lindernia pyxidaria, L . anagallis, Rotala indica, Ammania bacci f era , Ludwigia prostrata , Masilea quadri f olia, Paspalum distichum, P. con jugatum , Fimbrystylis miliacea, Eleocharis acicularis, Ecli pta prostrata, Alternanthera sessilis , and Sagittaria pygmea. For the majority of weeds, their occurence in terms of frequency and vegetative growth is similar between the first and the second rice season. However, some weeds are season specific or appearing more either in the first or the second rice season. Distribution characteristics of paddy weeds are presented and their causing reasons explored. Herbicides have been used in paddy field since the middle 60's. In 1978, herbicide treated field occupied 91 % of the total rice hectage , Perennial weeds not effectively controlled by granular herbicides have increased after the use of herbicides. We estimated that in 1980, the occurrence of 5 major perennial weeds, Sagittaria trif olia , Paspalum distichum ; Scirpus [uncoides , Alternanthera sessilis, and Eleocharis acicularis were all exceeding 100,000 ha in a total of 636,000 ha of cult i vated hectage. The control of perenn ia 1 weeds are becoming the major concern of farmers and research workers. Sub-species taxa of EchinochJoa crus-gaili and Monochoria vaginalis which show significant difference in growth and flowering characteristics have been found, and project has initiated to investigate their significance in associated with control. In Taiwan, 7 kinds of rice insects and 6 ttinds of rice disease pathogens have been reported able to host on weeds. Indirectl y, weeds affect rice by increasing the seriousness of pests and complicating their control. Data of long term and multi-sites trials indicated that under competition, rice grain yield was reduced 16% and 62% for transplanted and direct-seeded rice, respectively. To minimize competition damage, farmer spend NT$ 1,8821ha (equal to NT$ 1. 36 bill ion I island-wide) on herbicides and manual weeding. Traditionally, paddy fields are cleaned to the extent free of weeds. In recent years, however, more and more rice field are appeared not well tended. Drastic change of social and economical situations has resulted in labor shortage in farm areas which makes the supplement manual weeding very costly and sometimes impractical in considering the profit. More economical and efficient measure for weed control is required in the future .

