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篇名 幾種影響巴拉刈在土壤中的吸附與脫附之因子的探討
卷期 12:1
作者 陳鴻基李國欽
頁次 014-026
關鍵字 巴拉刈吸附脫附永久性電荷ParaquatAdsorptionDesorptionPermanent chargeTSCI
出刊日期 199102




The adsorption and desorption of paraquat on and from the soils had been carried out by using twelve different soils to which the pH had been adjusted, or the organic matter, free iron oxides had been removed. The results indicated that under the alkaline conditon, the higher the kaolinite, organic matter and free iron oxides contents, the higher the percentage of pH-dependent adsorption in the total adsorption. Apparently, there was a positive correlation between negative charges of the soils and the percentages of pH-dependent adsorption. The percentage of desorption of paraquat from pH-dependent charges was higher than from permanent charges. There were no significant differences between the amount of adsorption of paraquat on the soil before and after the organic matter and free iron oxides were removed. This was probably caused by the exposure of clay surface which was covered by the organic matter and free iron oxides in the original soils. The amounts of paraquat desorbed from the soils of which the organic matter and free iron oxides were removed, were higher than those of other soils. This indicated that the paraquat on the surface of clay minerals was easier desorbed than on the other surface. Under pH 4 condition, the contribution of organic matter and free iron oxides on the adsorption of paraquat was not significant. Under pH 9 condition, significant increase in the amount of adsorbed paraquat was found in the soils with the increase of organic matter and free iron oxides.
